Chapter 3

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Aomine's POV

She looks stunning...I can't believe I've missed her this much. 'You like her don't you?' Momoi's words ring in my head. She was grinning when she said it but her eyes carried nothing but hurt. What for, though? "Aomine? We're here." Amaya says and I nod at her and climb out of the limo. I help her out and she thanks me and the two of us wait for her parents to come out from the other side. They come and join us and the four of us walk into the grand hall. The floor was glass, tinted gold, and the walls were an elegant wallpaper of cream. Amaya always lived an elegant life, unlike me.

Amaya's POV

"Come on, let's go check out the food table." I tell Aomine and drag his hand through the crowd. People are staring at us but I don't really care. My parents are mingling with the crowd and within a few minutes, I can tell that everyone is paying all their attention to Aomine and I. "Amaya, is this your boyfriend?" Someone asks. "Uhh..." We both reply in unison. We hear a light chuckle and I turn to see Kise!

"Kise! It's been a while. We were going to invite everyone to lunch tomorrow and tell them that I'm here." I tell him and he comes over and hugs me. I hug him back and by then, the crowd is kind of back to its usual self, doing whatever. "Well, I'm definitely gonna be there! I've missed you so much! When did you get here? Which school are you going to??? Please come to Kaijo!" He says. I'm about to reply when I feel an arm go over my shoulders.

"She attends Touou and got here this morning." Aomine summaries for me. I nod and Kise starts "Well, I can't wait for tomorrow! I guarantee that everyone will be thrilled to see you again! Even Akashicchi! And-..." He gets cut off by a group of five girls throwing themselves at him. The same happens to Aomine and I sigh and walk off. Fangirls are too much work. I should know. I've dealt with them. "Ah, Amaya. Nice to see you again." Someone says. None other than Akashi himself. "Hello again, Akashi. I arrived this morning. We're going to invite everyone for lunch tomorrow to catch up. How have you been?" I ask him. Akashi's more laid back with me and he's actually a pretty good guy.

"I am absolute. Apart from that one time." He mutters the last bit and I giggle to myself a little. I give him a hug and he awkwardly hugs back. "Akashi, you're still the worst at physical contact." I say, grinning at him. He smiles a little at me and says, "Well, I can't wait until tomorrow. Do you still think you're better than me at basketball?" He smirks and I reply, "I know I'm better than you. And you know it too." He just says, "We'll see. You haven't practiced for all this time due to your singing career. Congratulations on that being successful by the way. But I am absolute. See you tomorrow." He walks away and I smile.

Aomine and Kise walk up to me, Aomine looking annoyed and Kise laughing nervously. "Why'd you just leave us?!" Aomine yells. "Sheesh, calm it. I wasn't bothered to wait. Plus, I got to talk to Akashi" I say back. "Heh? Akashi was here?" Aomine asks and I nod. "Why didn't he come say hi to us? Akashicchi was pleased to see you, right?" Kise says and I reply "Well...I suppose..." Kise then says "Oh, I need to go. Nice seeing you both. Can't wait for tomorrow." I nod at him and hug him before he leaves. I then turn to Aomine and he's looking at the dance floor. "Shall we?" I ask him.

Akashi's POV

I watch as Amaya dances with Aomine. It's been a while since I've danced with her. I've missed her. A lot. But she's not into these kind of dances. They're too slow and posh for her liking, despite her practically living in a palace. She calls it a mansion, but it's as big as a castle. I see her lip twitch slightly and she smirks, and I realise that she's about to wreck havoc. Looks like this party's about to get wild. I smirk and go to the top of the stairs to get a good view of what's about to happen.

Amaya's POV

"Hey, dance over to those speakers over there." I whisper to Aomine. He hesitantly nods and I smirk. I look up to see Akashi smirking down at me. We exchange looks for a moment before we're at the speakers. I break away from Aomine and for a split second and put on a song called "Play The Game" (A/N: SONG AT THE TOP.) It takes a second before it turns on so I take the time to grab the mic and it starts. Its so loud that it excludes the sound of the classical music being played. I start singing to it and...

Aomine's POV

She sure knows how to be sly. When she starts singing, all the teenagers there gather in the middle and start dancing while the adults stand around the edge, in shock. A few of them are tapping their feet along to beat or small stuff like that. But Amaya's mom is full on dancing to it, and she's not bad. I smirk and watch as she sings along to the upbeat song.

Amaya's POV

Hey, I said that I was coming back to basketball, but that doesn't mean that I can't sing too. It's just so boring and this makes everything lively again. It's just nice. The teenagers and pulling out dance moves on the floor in the middle but, not to brag or anything, I could do better. As soon as it ends, the room erupts with applause and I smile and take a bow. That was fun I think as I leave the stage. I go over to Aomine and look up and Akashi is simply smirking at me. Although, I feel like that's his way of smiling.

The night ends short after and it's eventually time to leave. We drop Aomine off at his house and I give the baka a hug before he leaves. My dad is about to slaughter him before my mom pulls him back and an evil aura comes from her. Aomine and I sweatdrop and we return home. I changed out of my clothes before my parents have a chance to tell me off and I fall onto my bed. That was so fun! I bumped into Kise and Akashi in one night. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be chaotic, but fun.

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