Chapter 4

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Amaya's POV

I woke up early this morning. Good thing it was Saturday and we didn't have school today. Momoi texted me last night saying, 'I've texted everyone and they're all free tomorrow. I told them to all meet at the park at 11:30 a.m.' So I didn't need to worry about asking everyone. I took a shower and brushed out my ombre hair before putting on a black tank top with a white outline of mickey mouse on it, some ripped denim jeans, a grey open-stitch cardigan and my cream high tops. I slid down the rail, as I've done since I was a child, and saw nobody in the kitchen. I figured my mom and dad were probably going to sleep through the entire day today. Honestly, they work too hard. I make myself breakfast and eat before laying on the long corner sofa.

I use my phone for a while and before I know it, it's 10:45. I grab my brown-leather shoulder bag and put it on before leaving. I get into the limo and tell the driver to park outside the entrance. As I walk into the park, I see Kise, Aomine, Midorima, Murasakibara and Akashi. I smile at them all and say, "It's been a while. Good to see you all again, Midorima, Murasakibara. I arrived yesterday morning and am attending Touou Academy." Murasaki gives me a hug and says "I missed you, Amaya." I hug back and say, "I missed you too."

We let go of each other and I go over and give Midorima a hug "Missed you too, Midorim." He awkwardly hugs back and says, "I missed you too Amaya. And it's Midorima not Midorim." I smile and we let go of each other. "Nope, you're Midorim, and he's Murasaki." We hear footsteps and I turn around to see Kuroko and Seirin. "Ah, Kuroko! Nice to see you again!" I say and go over and hug him." He smiles and says "Good to see you too. Congrats on tour career." I thank him and then to Seirin. "Unfortunately, not all of the team could make it today." Kuroko says and I reply, "It's okay."

I walk over to them and say, "Nice to meet you! I'm Amaya Mikan. You can all call me Amaya though." They all nod and introduce themselves one by one. "I'm Riko, Seirin's manager. Nice to meet you Amaya. Congratulations on being a singer so quick!" The girl says and I thank her and they all tell me there names. There's Hyuuga, Kagami, Izuki, and Mitobe. Although, Izuki, Hyuuga, Riko and Mitobe left shortly after the introductions. "Are you on the Touou basketball team?' Kagami asks and I nod. "Yeah, and she's good. Even better than all of us." Akashi says. "Really?" Kagami says, shocked.

"Well...I'm not that good." I say sheepishly and Kise, Aomine and Momoi start saying stuff like "Don't be so modest! You're better than all us of combined! You're the best in the world!" I smile and thank them. "Well, you wanna play a quick game then?" Kagami asks and we all exchange looks. Soon, we're on an outdoor basketball court in teams.

Team 1:


Team 2:


Momoi's the referee and she throws the ball into the air as she blows onto her whistle. Aomine beats Murasakibara and throws it to me. Kuroko stops it from getting to me and passes it to Kagami. I stop the ball in its tracks and dribble towards the hoop. I'm stopped by Akashi, but I get passed him within a few moments. Murasaki tries to stop me too, but I throw the ball behind me and Midorima catches it and scores a three pointer. Nobody moves. "Aaah, I didn't get to do anything!" Kise whines.

"Sorry, Kise. I'll pass it to you next time." I tell him and he smiles at me. "Thanks Amayacchi at least SOMEONE is nice." Kise says, glaring at Aomine and Midorima. I sheepishly laugh, but nobody says anything. "What are we doing? Let's continue!" I say and Kuroko is the first to talk. "Amaya...You're so" He says, shocked. "Well..." I mutter. Everyone's still staring at me in shock. "Let's just finish this game." I say and Kagami says, "No, let's have a one-on-one game. Me against you." I nod and the others go sit at the bench, watching. "Should I go easy on you?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Go all out." He says, grinning. I smile back at him and Momoi throws the ball in the air before going to sit with the others.

I don't bother jumping and Kagami easily gets the ball. He stets dribbling it towards the hoop but I turn around as he starts to run and hit the ball out his hands. I run to pick it up before shooting a three pointer from the opposite hoop. "How are you going to get it in!? You're at the opposite hoop! You're way too far!" Kagami says as I let go of the ball. "First to 10?" I ask and he slowly nods. He runs to grab the ball and starts dribbling it to his hoop. I come in front of him and I can tell he's thinking hard. I could just take the ball right now but I don't want to ruin the fun. He aims for the hoop, but his stance is off and his aim is rubbish. He runs to get the ball and I see what he's trying to do. He tried to dunk the ball into the hoop, but I jump and hit the ball straight into the air before hitting it again, so it goes onto the floor.

I run to pick it up and shoot a three-pointer again. I get the ball again and he tries to stop me but I easily pass him and dunk it into the hoop. It's 8-0 so far. He gets the ball and tries to shoot but I hit it out his hand because he's taking too long. I shoot another three-pointer and its 11-0. "Aww, I was just getting warmed up!" I whine as Kagami just stares at me, with his jaw dropped, in utter shock. "What?" I ask. The others come and join us on the court and Kuroko hits Kagami with a book. Wait, where did he get that? "Snap out of it." He says.

"Good game, Amaya. You've improved so much since middle school. If you weren't invincible then, you definitely are now." Midorima says to me. "Nah, that's not true." I say. "Oh, I have an idea!" Kise shouts. "Bloody hell, man! Shut up!" Aomine yells at him. They both start to bicker and Kuroko says quietly, "Um. I think I know Kise's idea." We all turn to look at him and he continues, "All of us against you." Everyone looks pretty shocked. "Wha-..." Momoi starts but she's so shocked that she can't carry on. "Yeah, I'm in! Sounds fun!" I say and smile at them all as they look at me like I'm crazy.

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