Chapter 5

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Akashi's POV

"Well, I would love to but unfortunately, I must leave now. There is a business meeting I need to attend in an hour. Goodbye." I say and they all say goodbye or not and Amaya comes and hugs me. She's so cute. Wait. What. No... I leave and as I get into the limo, I see them prepare for the game. You'll win, Amaya. You always do.

Amaya's POV

We get started after Akashi leaves and Momoi throws the ball in the air, I jump, but Kise gets it. He tries to pass to Midorima, but I stop it and shoot a three pointer. Kagami tries to stop it but he jumps after the ball goes into the hoop. Aomine gets the ball and starts running, and Kise and Murasaki try to stop me from going after him. I easily pass them both and block Aomine. He tries to run past me, but I knock the ball out his hand, sending it up into the air. I catch it and shoot another three pointer. Murasaki tries to stop it, but the ball goes in as soon as he jumps. Midorima gets the ball this time and throws it to Kuroko, who passes it to Kagami, but I jump in front of Kagami and get the ball.

I run towards the hoop and pass everyone who tries to block me. Murasaki is by the hoop. I move to his left and duck under his arm before going behind the hoop and dunking it from my side. 8-0 to me. It's the first to 10 and so far I'm winning. Kise gets the ball and passes to Aomine, who passes to Kuroko, who passes to Kagami, at the hoop. I run over and as he dunks, I hit the ball into the air, and grab it before shooting a three pointer. This time, Murasaki, Kise, Kagami and Aomine all try to stop it, but end up falling all over each other and Murasaki ended up elbowing Kise and Aomime ended up with his arm in Kagami's face. I'm cracking up whilst Midorima, Kuroko and Momoi are staring at me in awe.

Momoi, Kuroko and Midorima come up to me and Momoi says, "It's been 3 minutes and 34 seconds and you beat the Generation of Miracles, Kagami and Kuroko 11-0!" I sheepishly grin at her and say, "Well..." Kuroko says, "You're amazing, Amaya." He smiles at me and I smile back and thank him. Midorima stays quiet until the other four join us, Kise and Kagami complaining about their injuries.


Kagami: How did you do that!?

Amaya: I dunno...

Kise: Murasakibaracchi is a meanie!

Murasaki: chews on pocky stick

Aomine: Maybe all four of us wasn't a good idea...

Midorima and Kuroko: You think?

Amaya and Momoi: chuckles

Midorima: Seriously though, how are so good? Can you...teach me?

Amaya: Sure!

Kuroko: Can you teach Kagami and I too? Mostly him though, because he's a baka.

Kagami: Oi! It was Kise's idea to all go in!"

Everyone looks at Kise.

Kise: Well...Amayacchi!!! Help me!!! Sobs

Amaya: sighs You guys, don't be too harsh on Kise. It was a good idea, but maybe three would work better. However, if the opponent has the ability to shoot from the back of the hoop, like me, you could consider four. The spacing needs work and you need to think about the different directions the ball could come from. Actually, his idea is pretty good.

Kise looks so happy with himself.


Well, this was fun. Oh sugar, it's getting dark. "Well, it was very nice meeting you all again. I hope we see each other soon. Bye guys!" I say and give them each a hug, apart from Aomine and Momoi because I see them every day. Midorima awkwardly Hugs back and I walk to the limo waiting near the entrance of the park. I wave to them all and leave. Ah, what a day. That was as fun as singing...which one do I like better? They're both something I can't live without. Basketball or singing? Oh well, who says I can't do both?

Akashi, Aomime, Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, Kuroko and Kagami's POV

Why can't I get her out my head?

Momoi's POV

Aomine likes her, doesn't he? They all do...he'll never know how I truly feel, I guess. But, Amaya's my best friend and I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I'm starting to like Kise, but that's just as a friend, right? Then why does my heart always beat faster when he's around...?

Third Person POV

They all dwelled on their thoughts over night, but still hasn't pieced together their thoughts by the next day. None of them slept, apart from Amaya, that is... It was now Sunday morning, and Amaya was still oblivious to the effects she has on those around her. When will she realise?

A Coincidence?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt