Chapter 11

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Amaya's POV

We walked in (Aomine and I) and sat down in our seats. The homeroom teacher walked into the classroom and said, "Okay class, we have a new student today. Everyone, please welcome Hiyoshi Kei." In he walks with that stupid grin plastered on his face. He looks at me and I glare as he smirks. The room probably could sense the tension going on because one minute they were all chattering about 'he's so hot' and 'I need to ask him out' and stuff like that and he next everyone fell dead quiet.

"Well, Kei, you can sit behind Amay-" I don't let the teacher finish as I stand up and say "No." Bluntly. Everyone breaks out in a chorus of "Ah! So cool!" I ignore them all and Kei looks at me, a perplexed expression written on his ugly face for a second. "Amaya. Being famous doesn't give you an exception." The teacher says but he has a pleading look in his eyes and he looks kinda scared. "Then I'm swapping seats." I say. "Kei. Go sit next to Ruka over there." The teacher says, giving in and pointing to the other side of the room.

Aomine raises an eyebrow at me and I shake my head, meaning I would tell him later. Kei kept looking at me throughout the day and I kept pretending like I never noticed. At the end of school, I grabbed Kei's arm and dragged him with us. He didn't protest.

~ after school ~

Akashi's driver arrived at our school, Momoi, Aomine, Kei and I got into the limo. "Hey Akashi." I say and smile at him. He nods his head at me and asks "Who's that?" He didn't even look at Kei but I knew he was talking about him. "Hey. I have a name." Kei says. "Shut up. Does it look like anyone gives a damn?" I retort and answer Akashi. "He's a jerk face called Kei. You can call him a fuc-" Kei's hand was over my mouth and Aomine, Momoi and Akashi were shocked. Aomine and Momoi showed it more than Akashi. I elbowed him. Note that we're in a limo, a car so the ceiling isn't that high.

Eventually we get everyone and arrive at the karaoke place. Everyone introduces themselves to Kei and Kei introduces himself to them. I can tell they know that something is off with him. "Alright! Let's have fun and sing karaoke! Can I go first?" I say and everyone nods. I go over and pick a song but I decide to edit it a little.

I choose 'Alphabet Boy' by Melanie Martinez. My own songs were on there but I wasn't allowed to sing those according to everyone. I edited the song and added an element of rock music. Once I was pleased, I walked to the stage and waited for the lyrics to come up. The rock music surprised them all and they couldn't think of what song it was. The song was clearly directed to Kei and I could tell he was shocked.

'I know my ABCs
Yet you keep teaching me.
I say fuck your degree,
Little alphabet boy.

You think you're smarter than me,
With all your bad poetry.
Fuck all your ABCs,
Little alphabet boy.'

It seems as though Kei finally got the message, since he left as soon as the song ended, without a word. Music really does express your emotions.

Kei's POV

When the song started, nobody knew what song it was. I realised that she had messed with it a bit, to make it more suited to her. Why would she invite me to karaoke? Why did she want to go first? As she started singing, she kept boring her stunning eyes into me and I realised that this was just an excuse for her to make me hear this song.

'But you're not my daddy,
And I'm not your dolly,
And tour dictionary's destroyed.

I know my ABCs,
Yet you keep teaching me.

You won the spelling bee now.
Are you smarter than me now?
You're the prince of the playground.
Little alphabet boy'

She gave me the nickname 'alphabet boy' a long time ago. Before I got that threat. The threat that forced me to distance myself from her. I was so stupid. The sing ended and she looked at me waiting for my reaction but I just got up and left. I couldn't deal with this anymore. I can't be rude to her anymore. That threat changed everything...

~ Flashback ~

Amaya and Kei were talking and joking around when Amaya left. A boy came up to Kei and said "Stay away from her. Make her hate you. Or your sick mother will be found dead." Kei knew who the boy was. He couldn't risk it. Kei was furious but he couldn't do anything. Not yet, at least.

~ End of Flashback ~

Amaya's POV

We spent the rest of the night singing, dancing, having fun and most importantly, Momoi and Aomine are officially a couple!!! It took them a while but they're finally together! Well, they have a date for the Valentines Day Dance at school, unlike the rest of us. I wonder if I'm even going to go.

"Amaya! What are you wearing to the Dance? It is in 2 days, don't forget." Momoi says to me. Right now, we're all taking a break from the karaoke. "Ah, I'm not going." I say and Kuroko says "But Amaya, Aomine said that the dance is a must." I look at him, confused. "Yeah, the principal said so himself in assembly the other day. Oh right, you were asleep!" Momoi says and I laugh nervously. We all continue to converse but one thought doesn't leave me head. Who will be my date?

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