Chapter 17

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Kise's POV

She leaves swiftly after beating me 52-0 within four minutes. I sulk as Momoi tries to cheer me up again. Everyone has left already apart from Aomine and Momoi. Suddenly, all three of us get a text from Amaya and we see that it says 'Hey guys, go to Channel 238 in half an hour.' And then we get a text from Akashi saying 'Come to my house now. Everyone will be there to see Amaya on TV.' We then realise that Amaya wanted us to look at that channel because she'll be on it. She'll probably be asked about the article and she'll probably roast Sunny News for saying that about her.

We head over to Akashi's house and see everyone already there, in front of a HUGE screen on a large sofa with snacks.

Amaya's POV

I quickly text everyone to watch me on TV and try to choose what to wear. I have around 20 minutes to get ready. Should I go for a classy and elegant look? Or a laid-back and casual look? Casual would probably make me feel more comfortable... Okay, casual it is!

I choose a cute white lace bralette top with some high-waisted denim shorts and a gold, knitted long cardigan

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I choose a cute white lace bralette top with some high-waisted denim shorts and a gold, knitted long cardigan. I slip on some light brown, knee-high boots and a white flower crown before leaving the house and going into the limo. I'm wearing my coat over the cardigan to save time instead of having to take it off and then put it back on. I tell the driver the address and we arrive soon. At this point, I have around 10 minutes before going live. I meet the guy who'll be hosting the talk show.

His name is Keito and he's super charming and funny. It's no wonder he's the host of a live TV talk show. Soon enough, it's time for the show to start. We start by him asking me basic questions.

Keito: When did you realise you wanted to be a singer?

Amaya: Um, probably when I was little and my mother would sing songs to lull me to sleep. It made me feel calm, even if I was the opposite of calm a minute before. I wanted to have the ability to change someone's emotions like that and make them more positive.

Keito: Wow, a flawless answer from a flawless girl. Cool cool, next question:  What do you think of the recent hate you've received from Sunny News? About you sleeping with every member from the Generation of Miracles.

Amaya: Well, it's pure shit. I'm really close friends with them all and I have gone on outings with them all. That doesn't necessarily imply that I've slept with them all.

Keito; We've actually read the entire article and found a picture of you kissing the Generation of Miracles member, Kise Ryouta. Is this you?

(A picture project onto the screen behind them and Amaya turns to look at it)

Amaya: No, that can't be me because, for starters, the guy in that picture isn't even Kise.

Kise's POV

We were watching Amaya state how Sunny News were wrong in amusement until the host guy said "We've actually read the entire article and found a picture of you kissing the Generation of Miracles member, Kise Ryouta. Is this you?" And everyone turned to look at me and I spat my drink out and stared at the screen, shocked.

Amaya's POV

Keito: What? That isn't the super famous model, Kise Ryouta?

Amaya: Yeah because look at his left ear. There's no piercing. Plus, you can't see his face from the angle at which the photo was taken.

Keito: Point taken. What about the girl then? Who's to say that isn't you?

Amaya: I'm to say that isn't me. The highlights in her hair are too dark to be the ones I used to have.

Keito: Now that you mention it... You're right. Well, that's to be expected from THE Amaya Mikan. I have a little surprise for you.

Amaya: Which is...?

Keito: Meet the guy who wrote that article!

A man walks out onto the stage and takes a seat. Amaya doesn't look at him, but only turns to Keito.

Amaya: Can I punch him?

Keito: Eh heheh...unfortunately not.

Amaya: Whyyyy???

Keito: Because he's going to bed for your forgiveness.

Amaya: Yeah okay.

The man kneels down in front of Amaya on both knees and begs her to forgive him. Amaya and Keito are trying so hard to not laugh, but the audience cracking up doesn't really help.

In the end, the man was fired from Sunny News and the article was taken down. As I was in the limo, I checked my phone and saw a message from Kise. I opened it to see that it read 'Go Amayacchi!!! You so owned them!!! Come to Akashicchi's house with your stuff! We're having a sleepover until Monday. School's out for two weeks anyway.'

I quickly shoved my stuff into bag and got the limo to drive me there again. When I arrived, I rung the door bell and Momoi answered, wearing a pink unicorn onesie that was way too big for her. "Amaya! Heyyy!" She says to me. There's a song playing in the background. One of my songs. She calls into the house "Amaya's here!!!" And let's me in. I greet her and she shows me to the room I'll be staying in. She waits for me to change before we both go downstairs together. I come out wearing a white tank top and some grey yoga pants. I leave my hair out and Momoi and I go downstairs.

"Amaya, what are you wearing?" Akashi asks me. I look at everyone and see that they're wearing onesies. "Amayacchi! You have to wear a onesie!" Kise says. "Amaya, you have to wear a onesie." Everyone tells me and I eventually give in and agree. Good thing I packed one. I come down again in a panda onesie. Akashi's wearing a red lion onesie, Momoi's in a unicorn onesie, Kise is in a giraffe onesie, Murasaki is in a bear onesie, Midorima is in a dinosaur onesie, Aomine is in a blue unicorn onesie, to match Momoi, and Kuroko is wearing a husky dog onesie. "I'm baaack ~" I say as I jump over the sofa and in between Kise and Kuroko. I love sleepovers! Especially sleepovers with these guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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