Chapter 25 - Wolf Visit

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As Adam felt he had one very special task, he led the families, including the Alphas of Mac Tire' Dona Pack to visit for a little bit with the wolf pack. It would give them a happy thought to take with them. Talking with the Elders, and doing some research in the archives of MacLaren over the years, they had confirmed that the pack either had a little werewolf blood in them, or had been recently lead by one.

The wolves seemed to know that there were some guests coming to see them, and were at the edge of their territory, and had brought that year's pups with them. The pups yelped greetings and ran up to Kadrian and Ester, wagging their tails. They knew that Alphas liked to play, as Brook and Adam enjoyed that.

When they shifted, and ran Zane, his team, and former pack gathered around Adalia. He could tell she still wasn't comfortable being in the woods. Even though she had been living at the pack for several years now it was something she simply hadn't gotten used to. Over the years, he had been keeping in touch with his aunt on how she was doing. After a great deal of thought he had decided she was going to be one of those wolves most comfortable near the house. Many of the junior wolves were that way unless they were with their team or a larger group. It was the more dominant wolves who tended to like to wander and go for long runs.

Since there were a fair number going of all dominances they were keeping the pace down to keep from tiring them out. He had talked with Adalia before they came out to remind her to be gentle and careful. He led her over to several of the actual wolves and greeted the one he had helped. Seeing him Zane had a feeling he wasn't going to be in the pack for much longer. He hadn't been young when he helped him and it had been several years.

Adalia slowly moved up and traded sniffs and gave the other wolf a lick. She leaned against Zane in thanks for bringing her with. They had wolves in their territory but not like this. They would hear them and they would reply if they howled but that was about it. She wanted to play with the pups but didn't want to chance one of the pack thinking she was a threat. There were enough pups at home to play with and chase around.

*Thanks Alpha for bringing them. Adalia doesn't go very far from the pack house except for the moon nights. I think this will be a memory she will treasure for a long time.* Zane nuzzled her muzzle before stepping away to go and say hello to others.

Adam had settled off to the side, *You're welcome. The first time I came across them, it was awe-inspiring myself. I am so glad we have been able to help protect them.* he smiled as he watched the visitors interact with the wolves. He found he was most relaxed around the wolves; they made many of the issues he had just seem to fade away.

Since they had changed packs just the other day Zane and the rest of his team settled down around Adam. The bonds were new enough they were somewhat drawn to be near him. Zane knew that would fade some but he didn't care. He was going to relax with his new Alpha and laugh at his sister and Oscar playing with the pups. They didn't spend to long there since the pups didn't have the endurance of even an adult wolf and they would need to be taken back to the den.

Now that was something he had to laugh at. Rumour had it that Adam had built a den for them which was insulated and weather proof. Inside the tunnel leading in was a dog flap to keep some of the weather out. He didn't know if it was true or not but he could see Adam doing something like that. It wasn't feeding them but it would help take care of them.

Adam nuzzled Zane as he settled beside him, still wondering how senior Zane wanted to go. Adam had Zane learning the Enforcer role they did here, *Well, Do you think you could be one of the Head Enforcers, and be in charge of a shift?* he wanted to see what his reaction was, so watched him.

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