Chapter 3

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Song: Closer by Chainsmokers nightcored by Mirima
Things to look 4
Y/N: Your Name
E/C: Eye Color
F/C: Favorite Color
S/F/C: Second Favorite Color
3 days later
After the sleepover I told everyone goodbye and ran back to school. Lilith grabbed my had and said "Y/N why are you going to school?" I looked down and said "I left something in the dorm" she let go of me and I continued to run. When I got there principal Michi  told me if I needed anything to eat or drink I was allowed to head to the kitchen.  I got a call from Aphmau and she told me to come over. Its Christmas so I guess she wants me to come over for dinner. I tell Miss.Michi then head over. I knocked and waited. Before I came over I made something for Aph and Aaron. When aph answered she looked at me and said to come in and sit down. I did as I was told and waited. Aaron comes in and looked at me "Aph called you?" "Yes but I don't know why" he sighed and walked away. A man and a woman walking downstairs with Aphmau. I stood up and looked at them. The woman had on white shorts and a blue sweater on. The man had on brown pants and a green sweater. "Aphmau who are they?" I asked with my hands on my hips. Then I looked the mystery people over one more time. The woman had blue long hair and blue eyes. The man had brown hair and green eyes. Aphmau was smiling and elbowed the woman. She said "Y/N its us your mom and dad" I looked at them both in shock. Then I fainted. I feel someone catch me and I hear people yell my name.
Katelyn POV
Me and Jeffrey were visiting Aphmau and Aaron when the boys and Lilith push us both into Aph and Aarons room then lock the door. I see clothes and I grab the shorts and blue shirt Jeffrey grabbed the pants and green sweater. After we were done Aphmau opened the door and I was about to yell at her when I heard a voice. It sounded like Aaron and......Y/N! Me and Jeffrey stand at the bottom of the stairs while she looked us over. "Aphmau who are they?" She asked with my attitude. She looked us over one more time and I could see that she made the connection so I stepped forward a little and said " Y/N its us your mom and dad" she looked at us then fainted. Levin cought her and my overprotective mother came out of me "LEVIN!" He looked scared after I yelled at him and Aphmau put a hand on my shoulder. I didn't realize Jeffrey had taken  Y/N from Levin and he took her out to the car. I followed him and she woke up when we were almost home. " Mom and Dad?" I looked at her "yes" "How are you here the police told me you were dead" "We will tell you everything later alright get some sleep" Jeffrey added and she fell asleep again. I got my daughter back and my family back.
Until next time.
Bye bye,

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