Hey guys I'm back for this book and your gonna love it! Now into the chapter!
I quickly changed into my wedding gown and the girls did my hair and makeup.

A/NHey guys I'm back for this book and your gonna love it! Now into the chapter!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/N's POVI quickly changed into my wedding gown and the girls did my hair and makeup

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We heard the cheers and laughs so we knew Levin was out there waiting

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We heard the cheers and laughs so we knew Levin was out there waiting. Mom smiled and hugged me lightly and lead me to the door and Dad put out his arm ready to lead me to Levin. I grabbed his arm and waited. We heard the music and the doors opened. I saw the beautiful setting and almost cried but I can't.

 I saw the beautiful setting and almost cried but I can't

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I smiled at the crowd as I slowly walked towards levin. His parents and siblings in the front row along with seats for mine. I wonder how this came to be one day I think my family is dead and I'm alone then I meet my mother and father and meet the guy I'm meant to marry. I chuckled to myself quietly and watched as everything and everyone disappeared other than my dad and levin. I stared at him his eyes wide in shock at my dress. I had to admit the girls went a little flashy but hey I can rock it. I was finally pulled to a stop by my father and I turned to look at him. "Y/N I am passing you into your future but you will always be my little baby girl. Levin I am giving you the most important thing in my life. I want you to protect her like you would your child, love her like your wife and respect her like your mother" I smiled at my dads protectiveness and Levin nodded "I will Sir and Thank you" my dad smiled and levin held out his hand. I hugged my father then took Levin's hand as he lead me up the tiny stairs. Everyone sat down and the preacher began. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Levin Phoenix Lyken and Y/N Fireheart. Please recite your vows" Levin smiles then spoke. "Y/N from the day we first met I knew something was going to happen with us. I didn't know what at the time but I do now. I know now that I will love you no matter what through sickness and unhealth till death do us part" I smiled back and spoke "levin, I was a loner you were popular, I was a nerd you were the jock. Everyone thinks we will end up with people like us but there is a small percent that break that rule, we are part of it. I used to think you would break my heart but that was until I saw you when I turned around that day. You came after me when no one else did. So it's my turn to say that I will love you no matter what through sickness and unhealthy till death do us part" the preacher smiled and said "Do you levin take Y/N to be your wife?" He stopped and looked at Levin. "I do" the preacher continued "And do you Y/N take Levin to be your husband?" He turned to look at me and I practically sang the words "I do" there was a moment of complete silence before the preacher said "By the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" with that he backed up and Levin grabbed me lightly and dipped me. I giggled as he leaned down. I met him in the middle and we shared a long passionate kiss. He helped me stand then held out his hand to lead me to the party area. I gladly took it and we ran down the aisle. The girls kidnapped me from Levin so we could all change into our party dresses.

I kept my hair and make up and the girls were in ones similar to mine but different colors

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I kept my hair and make up and the girls were in ones similar to mine but different colors. We walked out to be met by our men. Levin was in the middle and was in shock at how I turned a full out flashy wedding dress into a simple yet elegant white dress. I smiled and walked over to him. "So what should we do, Mr. Phoenix Lyken?" I asked and he turned towards my dad. "Sweetheart you owe me a dance" my father said offering his hand. I took it and we danced for a while until Levin wanted his turn with me. After that I sat down and that's when......Lilith came up. "Hey girl can I have this dance" she asked as our favorite song came on. I laughed but grabbed her hand and we danced like crazy. Finally I was danced out and everyone had eaten their fair share. I was starting to doze off when Levin walked up behind me and started to rub my shoulders. "You ready to go home?" He asked and I held in a groan. "Yeah but you put to much pressure on my shoulders" I said and let out a small groan. He stopped and grabbed the microphone then said me and him were leaving and that everybody could stay here or go home,  it was up to them. He put down the microphone and picked me up, "Levin!" I yelled wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled and carried me out of that place and to his car. He set me down, opened my door then helped me in. As my door shut I waited for him to get in and turn on the car. "Levin I love you" I said and put my head on his shoulder being half asleep. "I love you too Y/N but did you drink?" I nodded and smiled "yeah, but it's our wedding can't we loosen up?" I said and he just chuckled and drove us to our house.
Hey guys! The book is recontinued I guess! Don't think that's a word! Oh well but here ya go a new chapter! And more to come! Now till next time bye bye!

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