Chapter three |Run|

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"How was school?" My mom asks as I walk into the house.

"Well the entire class was attacked by crows that flew into the windows."

"Is that why you have cuts on your face?"

"Yeah, it was really strange. I think it has something to do with a dark Druid."

"You mean a Darach?"

"Yeah..and guess what else happened today?"


"Well I met Allycat. She's here and Chris, but they aren't hunters anymore."

"They must've been the hunters who called us here... but why would they quit?"

"I don't know, but I want to find out."

"Wait, what happened to your knees!" She screams as she finally sees my legs.

"Uh well, I fell really hard off my skateboard since someone made me walk to school.." I say trying to make her feel guilty.

"Haha wow, Andreas I thought you had more coordination than that!" She says laughing and pointing at my legs.

I frown and start to blush of embarrassment. "Oh shush, I had to navigate and ride to school at the same time and there was a bump..." I try to defend myself but she just keeps laughing. I give up and slump in my seat. She finally stops and becomes serious when she asks,"Did they recognize you?"

"No, they didn't." I wasn't sure if I was sad or happy about that yet.

"But don't you want to tell Allison who you are so it can be like old times again?"

"I-I don't think I can just walk up to her and say it's me Andreas that kid from Paris. You probably don't remember me, but I remember you so-so here I am... that would be awful mom," I say putting my head in a pillow and groaning into it.

"I'm sure she would remember you. It's just you don't look the same. Puberty hit you really hard honey," mom says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you saying I was ugly before?"

"Well let's just say you are better off now."

"Wow thanks mom for being brutally honest all the time..." I say sarcastically.

"That's what I'm here for honey," she remarks with a smile.
The next two days of school went smoothly. I mean smoothly as in no weird animals flying into windows.

I had just got home and went straight to my weapons room. Tonight was a full moon, which means it was time to put in my batman suit to go protect the people of Gotham. I wasn't as fancy as batman though all I had was some black hunting gear. I began to pack the black duffel bag I always take with me. I pack the usual: extra arrows, ultra sonic emitters, and my personal favorite, my new invention, wolfsbane gas. It could knock out a werewolf in under a minute even on the night of a full moon. Once I was finished packing that I grabbed my bow and got ready to leave. "Mom, I'm going out!"

"Be safe. I love you!" She said as she hugged me tight. She did this every time I left, but I wasn't complaining. "I love you too mom," I answered as I hugged her tight.

"Take the car honey. I don't want anyone to see you walking around with an arsenal," she says as she laughs at her own joke, handing me the keys.

"Thanks! Alright, I've gotta go."

I decided to park in the student parking lot at school, I thought it would be the least suspicious place to have a empty car. I grab my bag and head to the woods. After walking a half a mile into the woods, I see a blinking white light. As I get closer, I could tell it was an ultrasonic emitter. Maybe it's Chris? Or Allycat?

Remember Me | Allison Argent PART 1Where stories live. Discover now