Chapter eleven |Daddy Dearest|

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"Of course I would find a Stilinski in the middle of this mess," a man says with an FBI badge around his neck.

"Perfect," Stiles says under his breath. They engage in conversation about Stiles' father, then he asks what he was doing here.

"Look my friend and I got stuck in the elevator the whole time."

"You didn't draw the picture on the elevator did you?"

"What picture?" Stiles and I ask at the same time.

"The drawing of the rose."

"A rose?" Stiles asks confused.

"Rose...wait my moms name... I have to go right now," I say in a rush pushing past the FBI agents.

"Who said you could leave?" The FBI agent asks grabbing onto my arm.

"I did," I say flipping him onto his back. I push past all the other agents to get outside. Maybe. Just maybe she will be there. I hot-wire my moms car that was still in the parking lot and race home.
"Mom!" I yell as soon as I get inside. "Mom!" I keep yelling as I check every room in the house. I find no trace of her, until I see the blood trailing on the floor. The small drops of blood stained the white carpet all the way to the garage. I slowly open the door and turn on the lights to see straight down the barrel of a gun.

"It's been a long time hasn't it my son? Take the gun from his face, I want to get a good look at my boy." I turn my head, not willing to look at the man who ruined my life. "What is it boy? Still too weak to look me in eyes?" Through my peripheral vision I could see my father make a hand motion. A moment later, one of his minions grabs my face roughly forcing me to look at my dad.

"You've grown handsome over the years. You look just like my dear Rose."

"Where is she? Where is my Mom?" I yell pulling away from the men holding me. I can't escape their grasp and my father starts toward me and hits me in the face with the handle of his gun. "What did I teach you? Have you forgotten your control?"

My cheek pulses in pain from the blow, but I must pretend it doesn't hurt. I can't ever show any weakness to my father, I've learned that only makes it worse. "Where is my mother?" I ask calmly.

"Do you remember when we would have those tests that would make you stronger? This is one of those tests. I have given your mother to that Jennifer woman as a sacrifice. Prove yourself to me by saving her. Then we can be a family again. I will forgive you and your mother if you do this."

"You will forgive us?," I repeat in shock,"We should be the ones forgiving you, but that will never happen. You beat me everyday. You honestly believed that you were making me stronger? We will never be a family after—" I stop as a knife is pressed against my neck.

"You watch what you say, son. I made you strong. When you were young, you could escape with ease. Without me you've become weak."

"Who said I couldn't escape?" I ask before head butting the man behind me, breaking his nose in the process. I grab the knife from his hand and slash at his chest. The next man holds a gun aimed at me and I disassemble it before he can shoot. He lunges for me, but I hit him in the face with the handle knocking him out. My father catches me by surprise, earning him a blow to my mouth. I wipe the blood from my mouth and ready myself. I swing my knife with my left hand to be blocked while I punch with my right into his nose. "You fight well, but I have other places to be. And so do you. I will hopefully see both you and your mother soon," my father says walking away. The man that wasn't knocked out picked up the one that was and followed my father out.

I fall to my knees in exhaustion and put my head in my hands. Mom is gone. She was given away by the only man she's ever loved.

He's never gonna stop. Mom and I will never be able to stop running. The only way to end this nightmare is to kill him. I'm done running.


I know this chapter is a little short(sorry about that). Anyway hope you liked it!

Words > 778

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