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Allison pov

It's been three days since the showdown. Three days since I've seen him. When I asked Scott about what happened, he just said that he couldn't remember. Someone had knocked him out when Andreas had a knife to his father's throat. I think Andreas is probably just having a hard time, after everything that has happened.

I want to see him, but he probably wants space. I don't know how long I can wait, it's like something is eating at me. When my mom died, I needed him. I wanted to find him, since he would understand. But how am I going to comfort someone who killed their own father? I mean Marius deserved it, but still I have nothing to compare to that. "Allison?....Allison?..." Danny calls out to me. I turn to him in my chair and nod trying to pay attention. "Hey, have you seen Andrew? You guys seemed pretty close and he just hasn't been to school in awhile. I'm starting to worry about him."

"Oh, um.... He's just taking some days off for family reasons," I explained to Danny.

"Oh well I hope everything is okay," Danny says with sincerity.

"Yeah, me too. I'm not sure if or when he'll be back," I say honestly, a frown forming on my face. I truly didn't know what was going on and it starting to really get to me. What if he didn't want to come back to school? What if he wanted to go back to Paris?

"Aww, I hope he doesn't move away," Danny says before going back to his lunch table. Me too.

Lydia and the boys looked at me concerned as I stared at my food. "You know, you can always just go see him," Lydia says out of the blue, popping a carrot into her mouth. I looked down at my own food, which hadn't been touched since I took it out of my lunch bag. I just wasn't hungry after everything that's happened.

"I just don't know what to do. I'm torn between giving him the space he wants and doing what I want and going to comfort him," I explain to the others.

"Just cause he hasn't contacted you doesn't mean he doesn't want you around," Stiles points out.

"It's true," Lydia adds, "Maybe he has just been busy. There are lots of things a family has to do once someone dies. Didn't you say his family was rich? Maybe it's a money thing."

"Maybe," I say, but I still don't think that's what's been going on.

"I think we should go see him," Isaac says and everyone turns to look over at him. He starts again, "Look he helped me out when I needed some weapons, it's the least I could do to come check on him. He's done a lot for all of us, not just me."

"He's right. He helped us many times before. I agree with Isaac let's go and see him after school today," Scott says. I didn't think Scott would say something like this after all we've been through together, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

"Okay, we will all go together after school today. I'm assuming you know his address? Lydia asks me and I give a nod.


We all pulled up to Andreas' house together, Lydia and I in my car, and Stiles, Scott, and Isaac in the Jeep. As soon as we got out of our cars I couldn't help but think that it looked like no one was home.

"You sure this is it? It looks like no one's been here for days," Stiles points out.

"Yeah, I'm sure this is it," I answer walking up to the door and ringing the bell. I rang the doorbell a few more times, but to no avail. "I don't think they are home," Isaac says, stating the obvious.

"So what do we do? Come back another time?" Scott asks looking into the windows. "No, they used to have an outside key. We just have to find it."

Stiles immediately looks under the welcome rug and I laugh. "Do you really think a family that's been on the run for years would really use the most obvious spot?" I ask laughing to myself. We  continue to search until I come across a metal Eiffel Tower amongst the shrubbery. I lift it up and turn it over to find a key camoflashed into one of the legs, the perfect hiding place. I peel the key off since it had been carefully taped and into the key into the door, unlocking it. I slowly open the front door and walk into the foyer and the others follow suit.

The house was completely empty except for a few broken things here and there. "I don't understand; they just left?" I say my voice cracking. I couldn't hide my devastation. I had just got him back and now he was gone all over again.

"No, I don't think they left of their own accord. The packing was rushed, you can tell by all the mistakes like the broken lamp over there and the glass scattered here," Stiles says, continuing to observe the room.

"So what do you think happened?" I ask.

"My guess is that maybe Andreas never did kill his father. What if that's the reason everything is gone, including them. If he had killed him there would be absolutely no reason to leave in this manner. I believe his father took him and Lucas. I bet Satine only came to steal away Andreas' mother," Stiles explains.

"You know that actually sounds right. That probably is what happened. Why would anyone knock me out if there was nothing to cover up?" Scott adds.

"Wow Stiles you solved your first case," Lydia teases. Stiles blushes a deep red in which Scott smirks at him.

"So where do you think Andreas' dad took them?" Isaac asks looking at the old blood stains on the carpet.

"He'd take them home," I say my voice as low as a whisper. "He'd take them back to Paris."


Of Part 1.

Words > 1022

Okey so readers... basically I am splitting this book into 2 parts. I thought it would flow better since the 2 parts will be different from each other. Like how in part 1, they are in Beacon Hills, now in part 2 they will be in Paris. You'll have to wait and see what the next one will be about because I don't want to spoil anything. But if you want to read what comes next be on the lookout for when I publish part 2. It won't be too long I promise it's just I have to make a new cover and all that jazz. So anyway thanks a lot for reading part 1 and supporting/voting/commenting on it. Peace and Love.


Remember Me | Allison Argent PART 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt