Chapter seven |Protect|

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"Alright look, the meets been canceled. We are gonna stay at this fine establishment for the night, payed for by the school," Coach says gesturing to the creepiest motel I've ever seen.

"Remember stay in a room with people of your gender. I don't want to see any of you become a father or a mother," Coach says eyeing everyone.

This is going to be a very very interesting stay, I think as I get off the bus.


"Who should I room with I don't know anyone here?" I ask the group as we go up to the motel.

"Andrew is that you?" I hear someone ask. I turn around to see that guy who gave me directions to the office a few days ago. I think his name was..Dave.. no.. Wait it's Danny!

Dan? Wait it's Danny!

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"Yeah. Hey Danny, what's up?" I ask him as he grabs a set of keys from Coach. "Do you need someone to room with since you're new?" He asks reading my mind.

"Yeah that would be great," I say with a smile.

"Alright, follow me," Danny says as I wave bye to Allison and Lydia.

Danny opens the door to the room we will be sharing and I check it out to make sure everything is alright. "Hey Danny, I'm gonna go take a shower. Just call if you need me," I say as I go into the bathroom. I use the motel shampoo, soap, and conditioner to clean myself as I try to get the water to a temperature just right. A lot of people must be taking a shower because the water pressure begins to lessen and the water gets a little cold. I hurry up and get out before I turn into an icicle. I grab the white towel that is sitting on the rack and wrap it around my waist. I grab a smaller towel and run it through my hair and my chest. Oh shit... I don't have any new clothes to change into. Would it weird to ask Danny? Probably, but I'm going to do it anyway.

I walk out of the bathroom with the towel still around my waist. I had my old clothes in my hands covering my abs a little. "Hey Danny? Do you have any clothes I can borrow? This was all I had," I say lifting my dirty clothes up showing my abs on accident. Danny's eyes widen as he catches a glimpse of my abdomen. "Um yeah sure...I've got some extra clothes," Danny says stumbling over to his athletic bag. He gives me a pile of clothes and I grab them. I set down my old clothes on the floor by my bed and  go back to the bathroom. I change into the v neck and basketball shorts Danny gives me, which surprisingly fit perfectly. I walk out of the bathroom just as another guy comes through the door.

"We don't have long Danny," he says as he pulls Danny into a kiss. I stand there awkwardly not sure what to do. The guy that walked in seems to notice me and asks Danny,"Why is he wearing your clothes?"

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