Chapter eight |Letters to Argent|

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"Look Boyd, if you really wanna catch them I recommend electrocution. Maybe wet the floors and add some voltage," I tell Boyd and Isaac who randomly showed up at my door.

"Well that sounds nice and all but don't you have any toys to help get these guys?" Isaac asks peeking in my house.

"Honey, who is at the door?" My mother asks walking around the corner. "Oh you must be Andrew's friends! Please come in!"


"My pleasure," Isaac answers shoving me aside.

"Do you guys want any snacks?" My mom asks with a huge smile.

"N-," I start to say before Isaac cuts me off.

"That's so sweet Ms. Taylor, whatever you want to make, I'll eat," Isaac says with a dazzling smile.

"Alright boys, I'll make the best snacks ever!" She exclaims running to the kitchen.

"She's a cutie," Isaac says roaming my house.

"Don't even start with that shit," I threaten blocking my weapons room door.

"Bingo," Boyd says moving me out of the way.

"Wow, you really have a ton of toys," Isaac says looking around.

"Look I'll give you some, but these are dangerous especially someone of yo-"

"Blah blah blah. I'll figure it out," Isaac says grabbing a gun off the wall. He quickly drops the weapon when the wolfsbane in the grip burns him. "Fudge!!!"

"Is everything alright boys?" Mom yells from the kitchen.

"It's fine mom just playing video games!" I yell back.

"Like I was saying...these are extremely dangerous for the likes of you. I'll pick out the ones you can use," I explain grabbing a simple crossbow and gun with a silencer.

"Here," I hand Boyd the gun and Isaac the bow.

"Boyd always keep the gun on safety until ready to fire. Aim to kill. That's what that gun is used for. Isaac, place the arrow here and pull it back and press the trigger. Aim for the legs. This one is made to slow them down." I explain showing them how to work the weapons.

"Alright thanks Andrew," Boyd says patting my back. "Yeah thanks," Isaac says holding the bow up.

"It's fine, but hurry and go before my mom sees you. She hates this," I say pushing them toward the exit.

Andrew. Please come over. There is something you need to see; something I've found. -A

Ill be there soon.

"Mom I'm going out," I yell not waiting for her to answer.

I drive over to Allison to find she is already waiting outside. I park my car on the side of the street and follow her inside. We go in the elevator before she starts speaking. "I found these letters. I only read one before I realized you needed to see them....since they were about you."

"What do you mean about me?"

"Just see them for yourself," Allison responds leading me into the office. She points to the desk and I walk over and sit in the chair.

There were three letters sitting in a small pile with Chris Argent on the envelope. I look up at Allison and she nods. I open the first letter and begin to read,

Dear Old Friend,

Good news. I have found my dear son Andreas. He is currently in Quebec, Canada. Both Rose and Andreas have been changing their names and laying low ever since they left all those years ago. I have forgiven you for telling Rose about the way Andreas was trained. It is in the past now. You have given him the chance to become strong on his own. I am excited to see how he has improved. It has taken longer than I had expected for me to find them, but they are my kin after all. I found him only with the help of the Leblanc family. I had promised Andreas to their daughter, Satiné, for information on his whereabouts. My son and I will be reunited again soon. I hope I see you also, dear Chris.

Marius Chevalier

"This means he found me once, but it doesn't mean he knows where I am now right?" I ask Allison.

"I hope so, but read the other ones first," Allison says.

Chris Argent,

My friend Andreas always spoke kindly of you and I hope you can forgive me for what I have done. I have forged a letter from your town of residence, asking for help with a werewolf problem. I only wish to protect my hunting partner from the father that caused him much pain. And my crazed sister, Satiné, who has become obsessed with him. My family may have sold him out, but I pray he leaves Quebec before Marius arrives.

Forgive me,
Lucas Leblanc

I am Lucas' dear friend? I thought we were just...coworkers or something. "It looks like Lucas cares a lot about you," Allison says looking over my shoulder at the letter.

"I never knew. I never thought he would think of me as a friend, but I don't have much friendship experience so that may have been my fault," I explain.

"I knew I couldn't be the only one," Allison laughs," but what's on the last letter?"


After arriving in Quebec, I have discovered that my son is already gone. The Leblanc boy, Lucas, forged a letter from another hunter family asking for Andreas' help with a werewolf problem. If I find you had anything to do with Andreas' move, you know what will come.


Dad knows. He knows I'm here, but why hasn't he came yet?

"I don't understand. If he found me, why isn't he here?"

"Maybe he's waiting for something? Or isn't here yet?" Allison asks.

"No if he knew where I was he would've gone immediately. I just don't understand why he hasn't come for me or mom yet...."

"Wait, Allison I have to go," I say grabbing her shoulders," something doesn't feel right. I need to check on my mom."

"Go," Allison says, removing my hands.

I drove like a race car driver back to my house, hoping that mom would still be waiting for me to come back. "Please be here, please, please," I whisper to myself running up to my house. The front door is slightly ajar and I push it open. "Mom! Mom!" I yell over and over with no answer. "No. He couldn't have taken her. He wouldn't have...." I feel tears form in my eyes. But then I hear the footsteps.

Woah cliffhanger 👀. It's been forever, sorry guys! I really appreciate how many votes and attention this story is getting! Please keep it up, it makes me want to continue this story!

Words >1112

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