Chapter ten |Human|

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It started to pour rain on our way to the hospital. It was quite a bad storm. We could see the power outages in certain neighborhoods and when we got to the hospital the lights were flickering.

We entered the building to find everyone rushing in different directions. "We only have three patients left; Cora Hale, Caleb Snail, and this one here," my mom says to the nurse on charge.

"Mom," I call and jog over to her.

She turns around to face me and smiles when she sees the food and she quickly snatches it out of my hands.

"I'm starved!" She exclaims, popping a chicken nugget in her mouth. "I'll be off soon, I just have to follow my patients to the next hospital, so when the next ambulance comes I'll be taking it over," she says smashing her food.

Lucas comes closer to us to get out of the way of the rushing employees and mom finally sees him. "What's he doing here!" She shouts pointing an accusing finger at Lucas, causing people to look at her strangely.

"Look mom. He's my friend, get over it. I need you to stay safe. Dad knows we are here. If you go home, lock everything, you know the drill," I say in a rush.

"How does he know?" She asks, fear in her eyes.

"I don't know mom, but I need you to stay safe. He wouldn't come to get you himself, but someone else will. Stay alert. Lucas and I are trying to figure things out, but don't worry about us. We are big boys mom, we can handle ourselves."

"Don't give me a reason to worry."

"I won't. I promise."

"Dr. Taylor we need to move Caleb," the nurse says pushing the stretcher.

"Go mom," I say gently pushing her hands away from my own.

Mom doesn't break eye contact as she backs away from us toward the patient.

"I love you," she whispers in French before pushing the patient out of the hospital. 'I love you too,' I think as I am pushed to the floor.

"Sorry," someone yells still running by.

"Was that a baseball bat?" Lucas asks looking at the figure running down the hall.

"Wait. I know him, that's Stiles," I say getting up and running after him.

Lucas and I run after Stiles into an elevator. We look to see Scott, Derek, and Ms. Blake?

"Look at that we have guests," Ms. Blake says sinisterly.

"What's going on here? Why do you have Ms. Blake?"

"Turns out Ms. Blake is the darach and tried to kill Lydia. Also she kidnapped Stiles father. Where have you been?" Derek asks. 

"I've had my own things to worry about," I answer, remembering my father's letter.

We arrive at our floor to see a pool of black blood leaking down the hallway to a set of double doors. The doors fly open to reveal a man sliding on the ground and a huge werewolf.

The werewolves, Scott and Derek, turn to fight the huge wolf off. Meanwhile, I dock arrows and Lucas loads his guns. While the werewolves was distracted Lucas and I aimed for the legs. With incredible precision and accuracy, we shoot at the same time, in the same place. The huge werewolf fell to the floor and separated into the twins. Lucas visibly cringed away from them on the ground. His face went from disgust to curiosity before he asked," I wonder if everything combines?"

"You just had to ask, didn't you?" I ask Lucas as he pokes the twins.

"What? I'm a naturally curious person," he defends himself.

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