Chapter fourteen |Gone|

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Previously on Remember Me:

My father continued to electrocute me, which only intensified my screams. I tried covering my ears to block the noise, but it was so loud. I shrunk into myself and crouched down. I didn't want to see it anymore. I covered my ears and I could feel tears slowly make their way out of my eyes. I wasn't gonna make it back.

Allison pov

"Shouldn't he be waking up by now?" I ask the others. It didn't make sense, Scott and Stiles had already woken up and it has been 16 hours since he was out.

"Maybe your bond to him is weak?" Scott questions.

"We don't have time to waste. We need to save our parents," Stiles argues.

"No, we can't just leave him. We need his skills and his mom was also taken. He needs us as much as we need him," Scott defends.

"How do we wake him up then?" Lucas asks, the worry in his voice peaking through.

"We need to figure out where he is. We need to know where in his subconscious he is trapped," Deaton explains.

"And how do we do that?" I ask.

"Shhhhhh," Lucas whispers," he is saying something."

"What's he saying," Stiles whisper-asks. Lucas gives me a look that says it all and Stiles shuts up.

"I can't understand it. It doesn't sound like english," Scott observes.

"It's french," I say when I can finally understand the words.

"He's in Paris. He's home," Lucas realizes and crouches next to Andreas. He puts his hands on the edge of the tub and leans toward Andreas, so he can speak into his ear. "You have to fight him, He's in your head, it's not real." We watch waiting for a reaction to his words. Slowly one of Andreas' fingers rose. "He can hear us," Deaton realizes,"Allison please talk to him. Bring him back."

I lean down next to his ear and grab his hand. "Andreas, please come back to me, to us. Your father isn't really there. He is here and we need your help fighting him. He's got your mom. She needs you," I pause, " I need you." I wait a few moments and begin to feel his hand squeeze back. "He's coming back," I say excitedly just as he comes out of the water. He starts coughing hard and I pat his back to help him through it.

"Did you see where they are, the location of the nemeton?" I ask him.

"I saw the exact coordinates. They are at 123.456° N and 654.321° W." Wow, how did he remember that? He stands in the tub. His clothes sticking to him like glue, showcasing his abs. His body is like a sculpture that I could study all day. He gets out of the tub and Lucas hands him a towel, which he wraps around himself. I shake my head out to focus myself on the situation.

"Well, shall we?" Lucas asks as we all look at each other. The others seem to snap out of it too and begin towards the door.

"I put the coordinates in my phone already so everyone just follow Lucas and I," Andreas explains. We all exit to our cars. I go with Stiles and Scott to their Jeep. Stiles starts the car and we wait for Lucas to go first.

Andreas pov

I get in the passenger's seat, so I can navigate while Lucas drives. "There's something I should probably tell you," Lucas begins, "Satine is in town."

"Grrreat..." I answer sarcastically. Just another thing I have to worry about.

"I'm happy to see you to baby," a voice says from the backseat. One I'm not very excited to hear. Satine pops up from her hiding place and hugs me from through the seat. I shy away from her touch and Lucas laughs. Satine glares at Lucas, before making herself comfortable in the backseat. This girl really doesn't know how to take a hint.

Remember Me | Allison Argent PART 1Where stories live. Discover now