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~This is a Christmas AU~

I hear loud thumping approach my door. I am in bed trying to sleep but that doesn't seem to be working out. The door flies open, "IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!" Naruto screeches accompanied by the sound of bells. I flip on to the other side and groan, "It's also like 8 o' clock in the morning," I say into my pillow. I hear another round of thumping and then I'm in midair. Naruto flops himself onto my springy bed sending me sky high. I let out a squeal as I hit the mattress again, bouncing a few more times. I raise my leg and slam it down like a drop kick but instead I use the momentum to fling my body.

Naruto sits on his shins and looks at me with puppy-dog eyes, "Can we go out today?" he asks excitedly. I scoff to myself, "I swear you're like an excited puppy. But yeah sure," I give in. "Yes!" He quickly stands up and he grips my waist, swinging me up in the air.

Third POV

The short-hair girl wearing his big T-shirt lets out a soft giggle. She secretly loved it when he did that. He sets her down and he ruffles her hair. She looks up at his elf hat with a little bell of the end of it. She flicks the end of the hat and it jingles softly. "Now hurry and get dressed!" he bounces on the balls of his feet. She sighs loudly, "You know the drill," he turns away from her, a ritual they have even though they have been dating for so long.

Hono pulls out dark red leggings and her usual black high collar top. She also lays out a black jacket with little white flowers. She quickly gets undressed. Naruto takes a quick peek at her bare form. He never got why she was so bashful about her body. Yeah she had plenty of scars covering her skin but she is still so beautiful. He smiles to himself. "Okay," she turns around to face him. A beet red blush rises on her face, "You were looking weren't you?" she asks bashfully. He only laughs, "I was," he holds his arms open and surrounds her in a hug. He rests his cheek on hers, "And you looked beautiful," he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and grabs her hand.

"Let's go!" he points to the door. She jogs to keep up with his long strides. He opens the door of her apartment and they bound down the metal stairs of the complex. "Where are we going?" Hono asks. He shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno. Somewhere," they walk into town. "I think I have an idea but we need to buy some ice skates," the girl offers.

He grins and drags her off to a winter store. She buys a pair of red skates and he buys some orange ones. They pay up front and Hono leads them to the lake, which is frozen over. No one else was at the lake and it was perfect. They sit down and lace up their skates. They both stand, using each other to support each others' weight. The wobble to the ice and slowing glide across. They grip each others' arms to steady themselves. They slowly let go and stand up straight up. "I've seen people do this before, it seems relatively easy," she mutters to herself.

"You've never skated before have you?" he asks with a smirk. She nods. "Good, neither have I," he adds. She snicker at his comment. She lets go of him and he is left grasping the air. "No wait,"

"Why have you forsaken me so?" he sticks his arms out to keep balance. "So dramatic," she says dramatically.

She stick her hands out and move like she's seen skaters do. Hono make a few strides before falling on her butt. "Shit!" she yell as you begin to fall. Her bare hand hits the ice but she instinctively withdraw it due to the temperature. The girl falls on her butt. Naruto wobbles over to her and pulls her up. "Alright, we are not going to leave each other and we are skating slowly," Naruto offers. She nods and they both hold on to each others' arm.

They make remarkable progress just skating in a circle. They both fall many times but they continue anyways. "Aren't you two just so cute," a voice breaks the two out of concentration. Sakura leans against a tree by the frozen pond. "We are like graceful swans," Naruto jokes.

The Girl With The Scars Book 3 {A Naruto FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now