Devil Verses Dragon

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It was the next day and the tag team tournament was continuing. 

Everyone was now out of the infirmary.

"I can't believe we drew." Mika said, walking ahead of me.

"Well, believe it. I wonder what's going to happen. I mean, we tied and the rest of the tournament is continuing today." I said, sitting down.



"Today we will finish the quarter finals in the Tag Team Tournament!" Mr Bloodstriker shouted.

I rolled my eyes.

"The last eight teams will go against each other. I will call out the order of battles." he continued.

I listened carefully.

So we're against Gray and Kian... This should be interesting.

"Hey Alecxis." 

I turned and saw Rogue walking towards me.

"Hi Rogue. We're up first." I said.

"I know. And we're against Gray and... Uh.."

"Kian." I supplied.

"Yeah. What slayer magic do they have?"

"Gray has Ice Devil Slayer Magic and Kian has Water Dragon Slayer Magic." I told him.

"Alright then. Three Dragon Slayers, one Devil Slayer."

"Eh... I'm going to use Devil Slayer Magic. To make things fair."

Rogue looked at me, confused.

"Don't ask. Although I'm not sure how well ice verses ice will go." I muttered.

"Ok... Well, we'd better get going. Mr Bloodstriker just called us up to the arena."

"Good luck, Alecxis!" Mika called as we walked past her.

"Thanks." I waved.


"3! 2! 1! Fight!" Mr Bloodstriker yelled.

I winced as his loud voice boomed through the barrier.

Gray and Kian stood on the other side.

My brother didn't move and neither did Rogue. 

Looks like they're going to fight. Then I guess I'm fighting- 

I moved to the side just as a projectile cut my cheek.

Kian. I finished.

Blood trickled down my cheek.

"That was a cheap shot." I hissed, seeing Kian charging at me.

"Requip! Waterblade!" Kian shouted, a waterblade appearing in his hand.

"Ice Devil's Rage!" I roared.

"Water Dragon Roar!" Kian yelled.

The two attacks met.

My ice started to freeze Kian's water so he stopped and threw his sword in my direction.

I jumped up, doing a back flip and landing beside Rogue, who still hadn't moved.

"Rogue?! Do you mind fighting?!" I asked, seeing Gray creating a long sword.

"Ice Devils's Zeroth Long Sword!" Gray shouted.

Rogue said nothing but turned into a shadow.

"Dammit. I hope you're going to attack from behind." I gritted my teeth.

Kian was coming in to attack too.

"Water Dragon Wing Attack!"

"Uh oh. Ice Devil's Rage!" 

I aimed at Kian, freezing his water again then I turned just as Gray brought his long sword down.

I used my attack to block but it wasn't enough.

Gray's attack cut mine in half and I tried dodging.

I nearly succeeded but my right arm got hit.

Pain seared through my arm, blood gushing from a long wound from my elbow to my wrist.

I cried out in pain as Rogue appeared and attacked Gray.

"Shadow Dragon Waxwing Flash!" 

Gray got hit directly, having no time to dodge or block.

"Water Dragon Crushing Fang!" Kian came up behind Rogue, attacking him from behind.

I rushed forwards and knocked Kian to the side with my body, making Kian miss Rogue.

Instead, he hit me.

I managed to stop him with my left hand. I gripped Kian's fist and twisted.

Kian didn't scream but from the look on his face, it hurt a lot.

I brought my knees up to my chest and kicked out, kicking Kian in the stomach and sending his flying away from me.

He hit the barrier.


I whirled around and dodged just as Gray raised his fists and lashed out at me.

His fists were covered in ice.

I did a roundhouse kick and kicked Gray.

He was pushed back a bit but came at me again.

I quickly backed up. I bumped into someone.

I was back to back with Rogue.

Kian was facing Rogue and Gray was facing me, both ready to attack.

"Unison Raid?" I asked.

"Unison Raid." he replied, smirking.

"Ice Shadow Whirlwind Blast!" we shouted in unison.  

I raised my left arm and ice appeared, swirling around my hand.

Rogue did the same, with his right hand, and shadows circled his hand.

The two elements combined together and created a giant whirlwind around us.

We both brought our arms in then shot them out in front of us, commanding the whirlwind of ice and shadows outwards.

I caught a glimpse of Kian through the chaos. He was holding his arms up, trying to protect himself. 

I couldn't see Gray as the whirlwind left a blizzard of ice and shadows behind it.

Myself and Rogue waited until it died down, still on guard in case either of our opponents could still attack.

As the shadows disappeared and the ice dropped to the ground, melting, I saw two bodies lying still at the edge of the boundary.

"Rogue Cheney and Alecxis Fullbuster WIN!!" Mr Bloodstriker announced.

I sighed with relief, dropping to the ground and favoring my right arm, which still stung.

"He has to be so energetic about a team winning, doesn't he?" Rogue asks, joining me on the ground.

"Apparently so." I replied.

"That was great. We're going through to the semi finals."

"Yes!" I said, suddenly bringing my right arm down in excitement. "Ow!" I winced.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Gray just cut the entire length of my forearm with his long sword." I explained.

"Then let's go to the infirmary." Rogue said, getting up.


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