2 In 1

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Ok, I know I've done a lot of author's notes but they are necessary. I'm not going into detail in this chapter about the battle because... Well, it's hard. I can't really see Makarov using the magic that's listed on the Fairy Tail Wiki so I have no inspiration. I'm sorry if you wanted to read a fight between Rogue and Makarov but I just can't write it. The next chapters will be better than this one and the last.

And so, I'm doing a two in one. There will be two battles in this chapter.


"The next match is between Rogue Cheney from Team Sabertooth VS Makarov Dreyar from Team Fairy Tail!" Mira announced.

I bit my lip.

"Gramps, go and crush that guy!" Natsu yelled.

I hit him in the head.

"Shut up." I growled.

Why I don't know.

"Jeez. No need to hit me."

"Whatever. Good luck Gramps." I said.

The battle began and Rogue charged at Gramps.

"Shadow Dragon Roar!" Rogue roared.


As Makarov and Rogue fought, I found myself distracted.

I don't know why but thoughts kept crossing my mind. They were more like memories to be honest.

I remembered what happened in Bloody Rose's guild hall when I told the others about the tournament, they were really excited.

Then when i said I was going to be with Fairy Tail, everything went silent. There we loads of protests and stuff but I had said I'd be with Fairy Tail.

I guess the guilt is building up now.

When i got home after that, Hiro didn't come back all night.

The next day, things continued as if nothing happened although I could sense the tension between my and my guild.

I sighed at this.

"What's wrong?" Gray asked.

"Hmm?" I looked at him.

"You seem distracted. You're not even paying attention to the battle, which you should." Gray continued.

"Sorry. I just- It's nothing." I looked back to the fight.

Makarov was now a giant and Rogue was dodging attacks.

I kept staring for some reason and I couldn't follow the battle at all.

Shaking my head, I went and sat down on the bench.

Well, this is just great. I'm feeling guilty during a tournament.

I saw a shadow move towards me and I glanced up.

"What do you want, Gray?" I questioned.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I don't know what you mean." I told Gray.

"Don't lie to me. I know when something's wrong. Is it because you aren't with Bloody Rose?"

I looked at him, taken aback.

"N-no! Of course not. I love being with Fairy Tail. I guess I'm just feeling a little guilty about leaving them. I mean, I shouldn't. It's just a tournament but the reaction I got last week when i told everyone I was going to be on Fairy Tail's team..." I trailed off.

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