Kian VS Ooba

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Before we get started, I just want to say, the next few chapters will be about the tournament and I'm sorry if you are bored of tournaments but it's too late now. Anyway, enjoy the chapters to come!


"The next match will begin now." Mira's voice rang through the arena.

"Who's next do you think?" Natsu asked.

"No idea." I replied.

"Listen and you'll find out." Gray said.

I rolled my eyes but turned my attention back to Mira.

"The next 2 to battle are Kian Winters from Team Bloody Rose VS Ooba Babasaama from Team Lamia Scale." Mira announced.

"Kian's up." I said.

"Yeah. Is he your guild's master?" Gray questioned.

"No. Hiro is. Because of-... You know. He's the oldest in the guild." I lied.

Gray looked at me and I knew he knew I was lying.

The reason Hiro was guild master while I was not wasn't because he's the oldest but because he's my older brother. So basically family ties. And if Hiro wasn't there, Kian or Jack would be in charge.

"Anyway, let's watch the match. No more questions." I said.

I watched as Kian and Ooba entered the arena.

This should be over quickly. Ooba's only magic really is Spinning Magic and Kian's a Water Dragon Slayer. I'm sure Kian can beat her easily. Then again, he doesn't know Ooba's magic... I wonder if this is fair, all things considered.

"Let the fight begin!" Mira shouted.]

Ooba didn't do anything but she started spinning her finger in a circular motion.

Kian started spinning due to Ooba's magic.

I laughed when i saw the confusion on his face.

"Kian was NOT expecting that." I said, still laughing. 

"Stop spinning me!" Kian yelled angrily as he continued to whirl around in a circle. "That's it!"

"Ooba's in for it now." I shook my head.

"What's Kian's magic?" Gray asked.

"Just watch." I told him.

"Water Dragon Water Whips!" two, long whips of water appeared in Kian's hands and he used the spinning to his advantage.

Kian extended the whips and they started lashing outwards with rapid speed.

When one caught Ooba, she was pulled off her feet and Ooba ended up spinning too.

She instantly stopped using her magic and they both stopped spinning.

Kian took a minute to regain his balance before he charged at Ooba.

He extended the water whips again and they coiled around Ooba before smashing her into the ground.

"Water Dragon Roar!" Kian roared.

A tornado of water was generated from Kian's mouth and it hit Ooba directly, knocking her out.

"The winner of this match is Kian Winters!" Mira declared.

"Told you it would be over quickly." I said out loud.

"No you didn't." Natsu told me.

"What? Oh. I didn't mean to say that out loud." 

Natsu shrugged.

"Who is next then?" Gray questioned.

"You'll find out in five minutes." Gramps replied.

Sorry if this was short but I'm doing it so that each match is a chapter of it's own. I think this should be the shortest chapter for the tournament.

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