Pool Party

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I only just realized that I hadn't published this chapter---... Oops. Not the first time either....


"...Then myself and Jack met Mika and Dan. Later, we decided to make a guild. Then I guess that really brings us up to now." I said.

"But how did you live for 400+? You said something about getting cursed."

"Yeah... I got cursed because Zeref got cursed. Look, I honestly don't how or why, I was only watching while Zeref used his Ankhseram Magic." I replied.

"You got cursed from another guy getting cursed?!" Hiro shouted.

"Yes yes no need to shout. And stop talking about Zeref as if he's just some random stranger. He isn't." I said.

"Sorry but how did you get cursed if you didn't use any magic that curses you?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I'm hungry. Can we go get lunch?" I asked, changing the subject.

"No. And don't change the subject."

"Ugh. Why can't I get some food? And why can't I change the subject?"

Hiro sighs.

"Alright, let's drop this before something bad happens. Do you want to go out tomorrow and do something with me? Aqua can come too."

I raised an eyebrow.


I shook my head.

"You are forever planning family days out Hiro. Even now, 400 years later." I grinned.

"Well maybe it's because I want to spend some time with my little sister who I missed spending time with for 400+ years."

"Ok. That's fine with me. Where were you thinking of going?"

"I just thought we could go and do some jobs together or something." Hiro answered.

"Sounds good."

"Now that that's sorted, want me to make some lunch?"

"Yes please!" i was starving and I never turn down that kind of offer.

"Alright." Hiro laughs. "Give me five and I'll see what I can do."


It was the next day and I was waiting with Aqua for Hiro.

I had met up with Aqua as she just got back from Bloody Rose and Hiro said he'd be there in a bit.

I spot Hiro walking towards us.

"Hey Hiro! Over here!" I called.

He comes over.

"Hey. Alecxis, I know I said we could do something today but something came up..." Hiro trailed off.

I looked at Hiro.

"Are you saying...?" I asked.

"That I can't go today? Yes. I'm sorry Alecxis, Aqua. We can go another day."

"Hiro, you said-" Aqua started.

"It's fine." I said. "Do what you have to Hiro. Myself and Aqua can just have a girl day." I know I sounded sad but I couldn't help it.

I did actually want to do something with my family.

Hiro nodded slowly.

"I'll be back by tomorrow night. Then the next day we can do some jobs. I promise."

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