Natsu VS Jack

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Natsu was in the arena and ready. 

Jack was walking into the middle of the arena now.

"C'mon Natsu. You can win this." I said.

"Let's hope so." Gray stood beside me, facing the battle arena.


"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu roared.

"Water Phoenix Cry!" Jack shouted.

Water and fire clashed, creating a screen of steam.

"Elemental Phoenix Wings of Fury!" different element auras began to spark all along Jack's forearms and he lunged forwards at Natsu, the elements trailing out behind him to make it look like he really does have wings.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu ran at Jack, his fists lighting aflame.

The two jumped and launched themselves into the air. 

Jack landed the first punch but Natsu blocked. Then Natsu roundhouse kicked Jack.

Jack dodged then sent a series of punches at Natsu.

Natsu dodged these with ease. 

The two pushed away from each other and landed on the ground, a few feet between them.

"Fire Dragon Sword Horn!" Natsu charged at Jack, his entire body engulfed in bright flames.

"Water Phoenix Tsunami!" Jack raised his arms and a wave came out of nowhere and crashed down on Natsu as he ran.

Natsu tried to dodge but the wave was pretty big and he got soaked.

Jack disappeared then reappeared over Natsu. He brought the flat of a water sword down on Natsu head.

Natsu didn't move for a second then before Jack could move, Natsu grabbed the blade and pulled it towards him.

Then he drew his fist back and punched Jack hard in the face. {That probably made way more sense in my head than typed out...}

Jack reeled back then growled.

"Elemental Phoenix Fire Bird's Song!" Jack yelled angrily.

Why is Jack so angry? I asked myself. He's usually so calm-

Jack opened his mouth yet no words came out. Instead, music notes of fire did and they spun towards Natsu.

As they flew through the air, a low humming noise could be heard.

The music notes pounded Natsu but he was a Fire Dragon and the notes were fire.

He ate the fiery music notes.

"Now I'm all fired up!" Natsu roared, still eating incoming music notes.

Jack stopped and made a frustrated noise.

"Lightning Fire Dragon Mode!" and aura of fire and lightning charges flew up around Natsu. "Lightning Fire Dragon Roar!" 

"Water Phoenix Cry!" Jack shouted.

The fire and lightning collided with the water. The water extinguished the fire but the lightning cut straight through.

Jack threw up his arms in defense and the lightning struck him.

Jack was flung backwards due to shear force and smashed into the arena walls.

He got up but smoke was coming from his now bare arms. Jack winced slightly from the burns the lightning left.

Natsu didn't give Jack time to recover and ran at him head first.

"Lightning Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" Natsu roared loudly.

Natsu engulfed his left hand in lightning and his right hand in flames and brought he two together and generated a large, destructive, sparking blast around Jack.

The attack exploded and I couldn't see a thing for a minute.

I squinted to see what was happening but did not succeed. 

Finally, the giant cloud of smoke, dust and steam dispersed, I spotted Jack lying on the ground.

Blood soaked the back of his shirt and he didn't move.

"Natsu Dragneel wins!" Mira announced after seeing Jack unconscious.

Fairy Tail erupted into shouts and screams as Natsu walked towards us.

I grinned and congratulated him on winning his match. After that, I looked back to the arena where Hiro and some others of Bloody Rose were with Jack.

Jack was sitting up now and Yuki and Lee were healing him.

I bit my lip slightly then turned away from them, telling myself that, for now, Jack was non of my concern.

"That is all of the battles for today!" Mira yelled. 

That got everyone's attention.

"Tomorrow will be the semi finals but until then, go home and rest up, Everyone's still welcome to come." 

I assumed she said this because Lamia Scale have no more tributes still in the tournament.

"So that leaves four of us.... Myself, Natsu, Rogue and Hiro..." I was nervous.

I knew I couldn't be against Natsu, so if we both won our matches, Team Fairy Tail will win. But the thought of being up against either Rogue or Hiro kinda scared me.

Hiro is way more powerful than he let on, I gathered that much from the beating I got from the sparring session. And Rogue is pretty strong too. If I'm against him, I may have a chance to win if I go all out. But then Natsu is against Hiro. And I can beat Natsu and if I can't beat Hiro...

I shook my head.

Tomorrow's another day. Concentrate on today for now. I told myself.

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