Graduation Ball

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It was nearly 7 and I was all set and ready. I had texted Rogue earlier to ask if it was ok if Mika and Ethan joined us. Mika wanted to make sure I wore the dress I had bought and she didn't want to go alone with Ethan for some reason.

"Mika, stop already." I said, knocking her hand away from me. She kept trying to do and redo my hair.


"No buts. We'd better go down. The boys should be here in five." I informed, checking the digital clock on my bedside table.

My friend pouted but said nothing. We went downstairs where Hiro and Aqua were waiting.

"Oh my god, you guys look gorgeous!" Aqua exclaimed as she saw us.

"Oh god..." I groaned, leaning against the wall. "If this is what is going to happen all night long with every girl, I'm out."  

Hiro chuckled while Mika and Aqua protested.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Hiro opened the door. Rogue and Ethan were standing outside. 

Ethan blushed when he saw Mika.

I laughed inwardly as Mika totally lost her composure. I elbowed her slightly to snap her out of it. 

"Hey guys." I greeted while Mika panicked. "Mika, jeez, just say hi." I whisper to her.

"H-Hi." she stuttered, smiling at Ethan.

I face palmed myself mentally. She'll get over this soon enough... I reassured myself.

I glance around for Hiro and Aqua but they had disappeared.

"Um, we'd better go if we want to be there in time." I pointed out, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Course." Ethan nodded. He held out his hand to Mika and she took it.

I watched as Mika seemed more relaxed now and grinned. They went out first then I joined Rogue behind them.

"I hope you don't mind the fact that they're here," I spoke to Rogue as we walked.

"No, it's fine." he replied.

There was an awkward silence.

"I like your dress." Rogue said.

I could tell from his voice he wasn't sure what to say. 

"Thanks. I like your suit too." I told him.

For the rest of the walk to Magic Academy, we just talked about random things. At least, after we got past the first bit of awkwardness.


We arrived at Magic Academy with time to spare. There were a lot of people already there.

I looked around in awe having gotten to finally see the school all decorated. It was amazing. Lights were strung everywhere and there were 'Congratulations Graduates!' and 'Happy Graduation!' banners on the walls.

In the main hall, where the Ball itself was being held, there were tables all along the walls to the left piled with so many different foods, including a large selection of cakes, cupcakes, cookies etc.

To the right, there was an area where people could sit down and talk at round tables. Music was playing softly in the background.

I spotted a lot of my friends easily. They were all wearing their dresses or suits. Even those who just came in groups for fun wore something a little more fancy than their normal clothes.

"Wow, this is amazing." Rogue breathed in.

"Yeah, wasn't expecting this." I agreed.

Mika and Ethan had gone off somewhere, so myself and Rogue decided to check out the food.

We talked with others and had fun. Lucy, Erza, Mira and Juvia all looked at me and Rogue and I could tell they were silently shipping us. I tried to ignore it. We haven't even held hands so I don't see how this was justified.

We met up with Sting and Yukino, who were here as dates. They both looked great.

"So are you 2...?" Sting smirked.

I looked at Rogue and he looked at me.

"No." We both said in unison.


"Sting, we came as friends." I told him, wishing that everyone would stop assuming that we were here as dates. It got really annoying, really fast.

"Oh alright." he rolled his eyes.

Rogue shook his head. 

As the 3 of them started talking again, I spotted Jack off to the side, heading towards the doors.

"I'll be back in a few." I said to Rogue before excusing myself and leaving. 

I caught up to Jack quickly just as he stepped outside.

"Hey Jack!" I exclaimed, grinning.

"Alecxis- Hi." Jack stopped where he was. 

"How come you're going outside? You're not leaving, are you?" I asked.

Jack shook his head. "No, I'm not going. I just need some fresh air." he answered.

"Oh, ok. Mind if I join you?" 

"No, I don't mind." Jack replied after a second's hesitation.

We walked outside into the night. There was a strong wind and despite me wearing a sleeveless, light blue dress, I didn't feel cold at all. It was refreshing, really.

"Hey, Jack?" I questioned as we stopped at one of the benches.

"Yeah?" Jack replied, sitting down.

"Did you come with anyone?" I asked, joining him and looking at my hands on my lap.

"No- I just came with some of the others as a group. You came with that Sabertooth guy, Rogue, right?" he inquired.

"Well, yes but just as friends. Don't get it in your head that we are dating or anything!" I exclaimed.

Jack glanced at me, surprised at my outburst. 

"Um, sorry-" I apologized.

"Let me guess, because you and Rogue are a girl and a boy together, others assume you are in a relationship?" Jack said, amused.

I grinned lazily at him. "Yeah, that basically sums up the entire night."

We both laughed at this.

"Are you having fun?" Jack asked between laughs.

"Yep. It's definitely different to what I had thought it would be like." 

He nodded in agreement.

"I wasn't sure if I'd come, to be honest.." Jack said quietly.

I glanced at him. "How come?"

"I don't know.. I just didn't feel like coming..." he sighed. 


"But Kian and Lee persuaded me to come with their group." Jack cut me off. "I've had an ok time but I-"

"Is it because of me?" I interrupted, making eye contact with him.

"What- no. I don't know why you would think that." he frowned.

"Well, you did say you were gunna ask me but then Rogue asked me first. And now you are telling me you weren't going to come." I pieced it together pretty quickly.

"It's not because of you, I just didn't feel like partying."

I sighed inwardly, trying not to show my growing irritation with this. Instead of pushing the subject, I stood up and began to head to the main entrance.

As I reached the door, I felt someone grab my hand. I turned around and it was Jack.


"I like like you Alecxis. Ok? There. I said it." Jack released my hand and walked away.

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