Transformation Magic

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I was half asleep by the time I got back to my house.

The lights were off so I assumed that Hiro was asleep already.

I went upstairs and got ready for bed.

"Goodnight!" I exclaimed.


I was in the school and Jack was with me.

"I'm going to check on Mika, Lee and Rogue." I said to Jack.

"Ok." he replied.

I started towards the infirmary.

When I got there, Dan was already there. He was sitting beside Mika, who was sitting up on the bed.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hi Alecxis."  Dan waved.

"How are you Mika?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Just a bit sore." she answered.

"Alright." I looked around. "Hey, where's Rogue?"

"He left earlier this morning. Sting came in to check on Rogue then Rogue was released as the nurse said he was better." Mike told me.

"Oh ok."

"Did you want to see him?" Dan questioned.

"Nah. Just wanted to see if he was ok. How's Lee then?"

"The nurse said he'll recover soon enough."

"Great." I looked over my shoulder and saw Lee, still asleep.

"Yeah. Congrats on winning." Mika said.

"Thanks but you guys did well too. We had to do 2 unison raids straight after each other just to knock you out." I pointed out.



"We'd better go. Cya later, Mika!" Dan said.

I walked out of the infirmary after saying bye to Mika.

"What class do you have now, Dan?" I asked.

"Umm. Magma Magic class. You?"

"I think it's Maker Magic Class."

"Good luck with that." and with that, Dan turned and headed to his next class.

Shaking my head, I hurried to my next class.


I just finished my Maker Magic class.

During the class, there had been an announcement about the Transformation classes. We were told to go down to Hall 2 after our current class.

"Cya later guys!" I waved at Gray, Lyon, Rufus, Laki and Juvia then left.

I ran around the corner, ducking low in order to avoid crashing into someone and made my way to Transformation class.

I reached Hall 2 just as the bell rang. 

The class had been canceled for the first term as the teacher was too busy and unable to teach.

I didn't even know who the teacher was or who the students were.

I went in to the class and I saw a lot of familiar faces.

"Lee?" I asked, surprised for a second.

I knew that some of the people there had Transformation Magic.

"Hey Alecxis." he greeted.

"I thought you'd still be in the infirmary for the next few classes." I said, sitting down beside him.

"No. The nurse said that I was well enough to go to the next class." Lee replied.

"Cool. Sorry but, how come you are here?" I asked.

"Remember the Dragon Transformation?" he questioned.

"Oh yeah... Sorry, I forgot. But you're not seriously going to transform into a dragon here, are you?"

Lee laughed then shook his head.

"Of course not. And I hope you won't either. No, I'm here because I have Transformation Magic other than that."

"That makes sense."

"Ok! Listen up everyone!" the principal shouted.

We all looked up.

"Your teacher is here so we will get this class under way. For all transformation classes, you will come to Hall 2. Everyone here, at lunch time, you need to report to the secretary's office to receive new time tables." the principal continued.

"Do you know who our teacher is?" I asked Lee.

"No. But from what I heard, the teacher is from Fairy Tail." he replied.



I looked back at the top of the hall.

A girl with long, white hair walked into the room.

Surprised gasps could be heard through out the hall.

"Mirajane?!" I exclaimed, along with some others who know her well.

"Hello everyone!" Mira smiled. "I'm going to be your teacher for these Transformation Magic classes!"

"This is going to be interesting." I said.

"Aren't all the classes interesting here?" Lee asked.

"Uh- Yes." I admitted.


We started the class soon after that.

Everyone in the class had some kind of basic skill of transformation magic if not a higher lever.

We started off  with basic level transformation.

This meant we changed our outward appearance into that of another person. But we couldn't change the clothes we were wearing to fit that person we are transforming into.

We had to change into Erza for our first tries.

Lee managed to do it in one, Natsu took a few tries but did it in the end, Happy was the same, Lucy did better then those two and everyone did pretty well too.

I has happy because I transformed into Erza on my third go.

"Very good everyone." Mira encouraged.

She was walking around the hall, helping those with difficulties getting started again.

Once everyone was ready, Mira got us to line up and take it in turn to show everyone how well we can transform.

"That's it for today everyone." Mira announced.

"But we still have time." Loke told her.

"Yes but we wouldn't get anything done in time." Mira answered.

Loke nodded then went over to Virgo.

"Mira, how come you are the teacher?" I asked, walking up to her. "Not that I don't like you as the teacher. Just curious."

"I just am. The principal asked me if I'd take over {No pun intended} the Transformation Magic class." Mira replied.



"See you later, Mira!" I exclaimed, making my way to the door.

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