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Not Everything Is What You You Think It Is.
You Have To Look Over The Bad To Find The Good.
The Light And Darkness Are Together, But Separate.
Find The Light, You May Over Come The Night And Darkness
-Malina Woodrow


Still looking surprised as ever, I moved my eyes from looking at the new boy, turning around so I wouldn't let him see me. It was so crazy, knowing the person that I met on a train, or looked at on the train, would be a student at my favorite school. After hearing my teacher introduced him to the class, she led him to sit by a student.

"Elijah, would you mind if he sat is Anthony would sit by you, if you don't mind?" making me look up, but to be scared instantly when seeing him staring right through my soul, his eyes held so much emptiness and no emotion that it scared me. I quickly nodded, putting my head down from looking at him. Hearing him walk to the desk, he sat down, putting his things down and sitting back, leaning back and looking at her teach. While she was talking, I felt a little wave come towards me, but I just pushed it back but for it only to come back seconds later, making me look to see Anthony looking right dead at me making me freeze in my seat. The way he was looking at me, just looking at me is making me shake my soul that it was weird that I felt this way. I want to look somewhere else but its like I can't do it.

"Elijah? Elijah.....ELIJAH!"making me stop staring and looking to see that the whole class was looking right at me, making me shrink in my seat, while Anthony chuckled under his breathe.

"Yes, Mr. Dalmon?"

"Are you okay?"making me nod, which led her to go back teaching us what she was discussing about. A few minutes later, the bell rung, indicating that It was time to go to our next class which made me get and grabbed my stuff, walking out of class, but only to be pulled from the one and only Zachary.

"Zachary, what do you want now"seeing him smile a little which was creepy, so I moved his arm from around my waist.

"Look Elijah, why can't you and I be together or at least go out sometime, I mean you haven't been with no one in the school, so whats holding you back to be with me?"making me roll my eyes, but to only hear the bell rung indicating I have 5 minute to get to class.

"Look Zachary, I don't like you like that okay?.You are not my type, I only like you as a......friend......to a certain point. Now if you excuse me, I got class to go."turning around from him and walking off to class.

After arriving in class, I went to the back, putting my headphones in and started my work that my teacher was teaching while the other talks amongst themselves and others does stupid stuff. While I was listening to my music the song came from Whitney Houston Every Woman, and my mother image came up. When I was younger, while she was cleaning the home, she will always play Whitney Houston, sing and dancing to the music, but when this song came on, she would get the broom and sing like she was on a microphone. I would always laugh, even my father would cone home, and stand in the door laughing. I miss her so much to the point I felt wetness on my face, making me realized that I was crying. I wiped my face, and looking it was half empty, which means that its tine for lunch. I walked to the lunchroom to see Za'Kayla giving Jeremy and kiss goodbye and walked to the lunch line, grabbing her lunch and sitting down I guess waiting for me.

While I walked inside, I seen Anthony sitting by himself, which made me intrigued, so I walked to the table where Za'Kayla was, sitting down and grabbing a few of her fries, which led to look at me like I have lost my mind

At the moment, Elijah knew, he fucked up

"Did you just take my fries you son of a-" cut her off with my hand, while she was cussing profanities to my hand and I was just laughing at her while everyone else was just looking at us like we was crazy, but went back to looking at and doing whatever they was doing. While I moved my hands from her mouth, I looked and seen Andrew, captain of the football team, going towards Anthony with his posse behind him, which made me get up and seeing what the hell was going on.

"Hey there new boy, I see you sitting by yourself, wants some ummm, company?"which not hearing Anthony say anything,Andrew got heated, which led him to get the milk carton off his tray, and poured it over head, which hearing everyone gasp, including me.

"When I'm talking to you, you go fucking say something you motherfucker, you got it?" hearing a grunt, Anthony rose from his seat, looking right at him, which scared the hell out of me, and when I say it scared the hell out of me, I felt my skin curl. He grabbed Andrew, slamming him to the table behind him, almost chocking him, which made his teammates trying to get him of of him, but kept failing, so I ran over there and as soon as I touched him, I seen him turn my way, and his eyes changed and let go of him, grabbing his stuff and walking right out of the cafeteria.

"What the hell was that Elijah? You alright?" making me nodded my head.
I walked out when the bell rung which indicated it was time to go. While I was walking to my next class, Za'Kalya kept asking me about what the hell happened , while my mind was in a different place. When I seen his eyes, they showed emptiness, but when he looked at me I seen a little light, but was taken and gone away. I finally got to class, seeing everyone was inside, which I went to my desk to do my work.

~A few Class later~

Seeing it was time to go home, I grabbed my things and walking out of school, walking to the subway and getting on the train back home. A few minutes later, I got off the train, walking home to the house, and seeing dad not home, which mean he had to take all nighter. I walked inside my house, closing my door and locking it. I threw my book bag unto the corner of the floor, getting some water from the kitchen, and going to my room so I could water my flowers that was unto my window pane. After water my flowers, I went to my bathroom, taking a shower and turning the music on, Ariana Grande- Not Good Enough, getting out the shower and going into my room, dancing with the music a little. After the music, I put on some clothes, put my phone on the charger, and went to bed, so I can have a good energy for tomorrow.

So What Y'all Think So Far???

Im sorry this update was very, very, verrrrrry long, but I was on writers block, but I'm back, so love y'all and give me a chance😘😘😘😘😘

So Have Y'all Ever Went Through What Happened In The Cafeteria??

How Y'all Feel About Anthony??

How You Feel About Elijah??

How You Fell About Andrew & His Posse??

How You Feel About ZaKalya??

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Tray The Master💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💍💎

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