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After some hours had past, I looked on my phone to see that it was almost 9 o' clock and I didn't want to worry my dad, he is a bit paranoid even when I'm home late after 7. Getting my things together, Anthony walked to the counter to let his boss know he is about to go, but he'll be back in the morning since it the weekend. I got up with Thomas holding my hand, walking out with Anthony behind us and we walked to the train station. While we waited for the train, I texted my father to let him know I will be coming home late but I'll be there soon. He texted me a couple of minutes later that he wasn't home and that to enjoy myself and that he'll see me in the morning. He probably with his friend that he met online couple of months ago, her name is Elizabeth. They met on a dating site, and they tried to date each other but it didn't work very well, so they stayed as friends. To be honest, that was probably the best he done for himself, because at least he have someone that he can hang out with and be himself. Trust me it wasn't easy for him to make friends, even with Elizabeth, he was distant until he let her in. I'm glad he doing something for himself, that means progress.

"Everything okay, Elijah?" looking at me while I nodded my head while putting my phone in my pocket, I looked and seen the train coming up to a stop and letting people exit while the rest enter, including us. We found a spot and sat down while Thomas sat on my lap while yawning.

"Oh, yeah, everything is okay, I as just texting my dad to let him know that I will be coming home late, but he told me that he wouldn't be home tonight so I said okay. Most likely he is with his friend Elizabeth. She'll occasionally or oftentimes come let him spend a couple of night with her so they can just hang out, you know so he can get out the house" shrugging my shoulders and he nodded in understanding. i looked at the time to see it was about 9: 45, and the grocery store closes at 10, so when I seen we was stopping at a stop close to the grocery store, I gathered my things to get off.

"Your stop Elijah?" shaking my head, I explained to him

"No, I got to go to the grocery store for the house before they close, you want to come or you going home?" from the way he was looking he was trying to think about it, then he nodded. I grabbed Thomas and held him while he slept on my shoulder. We got off the train and walked to the grocery store down the road. We got a cart, putting a waking up Thomas and walked around the store for things I need to get, I feel like cooking.

"Okay, so I need some bell peppers, sausages, shrimp, mixed cheese, some broccoli, some garlic bread and I need to get some spaghetti sauce. Anthony, you ever had spaghetti with sausages and shrimp, its so good. My mom used to make it a lot for weekends when she would cook a big dinner and we'll watch movies for a while." grabbing the bell peppers, I looked to see him rubbing his brother head to soothe him back to sleep. 

"No, not really. We never really had good food after my father left and my mom became- never mind. But I would like to try it one day though." making me feel a little sad, but I had gotten a idea.

" You want to try it out tonight? You and Thomas can sleep at my house and I don't mind, and my father, well, he trusts me. We can go by the clothing store to find you a couple of clothes to stay the weekend." he was thinking about it, and I mean I wouldn't mind. I don't want to be alone because my dad isn't coming back Monday morning, so they'll be here , so they can sleep in his room or wherever they want to sleep.  

" I don't know, I don't want to intrude in your home."making me look at him like e was stupid. On one hand I was agreeing but on the other I don't want them to go home at this time of night. I guess I'm going with plan B. They staying.

"Nope, you and Thomas is coming. Ik no letting you and him out my sight until we get to my place. Now come on we got things to get" smiling while walking off.


"Okay, how did you learn to make those stuffed peppers? That was good to be honest."liking his lips while I laughed. We was washing dishes while Thomas was watching Finding Nemo. When we came to the house, Thomas was a little still sleepy so I let him sleep in my room while me and Anthony made dinner. It was a bit difficult because Thomas was and him was allergic to somethings I needed to use to make the stuffed peppers, broccoli casserole,  and Spaghetti. But we was able to make them. Now we are going to make sure Oreo Cheesecake.

"Well it's a family tradition am secret, hut one day I'll show how to make it. I told you stay in the kitchen so I can show you, but you had to make a phone call. Everything okay?" drying my hands off with a paper towel. I went to the fridge to get the ingredients.

"I don't want to talk about it. When I'm ready I'll let you know."wiping his face, but I can tell he was crying physically and mentally. Whatever is going, I hope whenever he is ready, he can tell me.

"Okay, I understand. Just know, you can trust me. But do you still want to make the Cheesecake with me?"

"Nah, I'm just go ahead and go to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Good night,well,good morning since it's basically 3 in the morning." laughing a little, he wen am got his brother who was tired and walked to my dad's room to get some sleep while began to make the Cheesecake.

So What Y'all Think?




Do You Think Elijah Was Right To Let Them Stay?

Yes Or No, and Why

I'm Sorry That I Didn't Update Friday Of Last Week, But I'm Going To Update Every Friday.


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