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Walking away from the table with Thomas and Elijah, I went to a table to see what the customer would want to have for today. Walking up the table, I looked up to see a person covered in a trench coat and some glasses,which was strange because because it's hot out the door,so why would he have a trench coat on?

"Hi, my name is Anthony, and I will be serving you today. What will you be having today sir?"clicking my pen to begin to write his order down,but he didn't say anything for a bit until he finally opened his mouth.

"Can I get a hamburger with extra bacon and extra mayo, with curly fries, and for the side can I get a thing of Mac and cheese. And this is to go."writing everything down, I told him okay and energy to give the cook the order and went to the coffee and went a gave a few more customers a full up on those coffee. I walked to the table where Elijah and see him blushing which made look at Thomas who looked at me so innocent.

"Thomas what did you do? I know you had something to do with it" crossing my arms and looked at him with a goofy start face, and he just looked at me innocent and shook his head with the puppy eyes

"Nothing brother,just ask Eli some questions that's all I promise" smiling ear to ear while I looked at him and then looked at Elijah who just picked up his cup and drunk it with the same blush on his face.

"Mhm,let me find out. You lucky I got this order,but I'll be back because I want to know these questions that you asked him"giving him the I'm watching you two fingers.

Walking up to the front, I got the man's with the trench coat,and walked back but when I went he was gone. Which was strange, so I walked to John,one of the waiters, and asked him about it but from the look on his face he was confused as hell

"I don't know what you talking about Ant, but there was no one there for a while. And I know because I've been on shift for the past 7 hours and that table have not been occupied and when I seen you go over there I thought someone finally did. Maybe I'm seeing stuff or you is. I don't know but someone did leave you this letter. Here you go." handing me a letter and when  I opened I was confused.

I knew you was go read this letter, I wanted to show you that I'm watching you. You can never forget about me. I'm a memory that always see you in your dreams. I'm a shadow you will see in  your nightmares. You caused me pain and deceitfulness. I just wanted to love you, but you denied me. You will never be happy again with me in your head and soul. Anyone get close will be no where to be found, just like the last. Just like that boy you have now, Elijah. Don't worry how I found out, but know he is on my list. If you get any further with him or closer, that's the end of him.

Until then, goodbye my love,


Putting the letter into a ball, I looked outside to see a figure get on the bus before I could run out to the bus, so I just stayed there and watched the bus leave. Its happening all over again but I need to keep Elijah out of harms way even if that means distancing myself. Going to the front I looked and seen it was time for me to get off, I was a bit terrified so I used that as an excuse, I mean I always worked my ass off so they wouldn't mind. Going to Elijah table with Thomas, I sat down and looked at Thomas with the face" spill it", so he looked at Elijah who blushed

"Okay so Thomas asked me a couple of questions, you know, to get to know me. The first couple of questions was a bit basic you know, favorite color, where I'm from, where I was born and raised, and then he asked me did I like you and will me and you be together because he likes me with you. I tried to tell him we'll see what the future. And well, he said he knows you will be." making me look at Thomas who just looked up in the air like he didn't know I seen him  look at Elijah with shocked eyes.

"Is this true mister?" looking at him with my eyes, up and down while scratched his head a little and shrugged his shoulders.

" I just wanted to see who my brother is hanging around with. You did it to me too! You told Ashley I like her!" laughing when I seen his face start to get red from embarrassed when the day I told Ashley that he had a crush on her and when I told him I told her, he cried the whole day and tried to avoid her, emphasis on the tried.

"Mhm, go the kitchen and sit with Mr. Andrew while me and Elijah talks. And you better not try to eat the candy out the bowl like last time." seeing him stick out his tongue, he went into the back while I shook my head and looked at Elijah who was shaking his head too.

"So you like me huh?" chocking on his drink, he wiped his  mouth while wiping his face and mouth, while I smirked and snickered. He started to blush while covering half of his face, but I'm still waiting for his answer, I'm intrigued.

"I mean, we still getting to know each other, so I can say we'll see where it takes us, but I do like being around since I met you." looking at me while I nodded my head in understanding. I can respect that, but if this He is serious about what he said on that letter and what He did to Him,then I need to keep Elijah safe, no matter what. 

So What Y'all Think??

The Mysterious Person?




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Lovelies, I'm Bring It Back Because I Chose To Do Something Else With Another Story, Can't Tell You But Its A Book I'm Bring back But Different Storyline. So Stay Awoke For It, Can You Guess It?


pear-npineapples 🍐 🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍐🍍🍐🍍🍐🍍

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