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The pain I barries with me only become a skeleton done in a closet
My happiness turned around and knocked off only to be shot by one bullet.
My light emotions change from into dark emotions and the path I take will only lead from either good or bad
Happy or sad
Life or Death.


Hearing my alarm ring, I rose up up from my bed to only smell a certain familiar oder -sex. Rolling my eyes, I got up out my bed, getting my clothes, going to my bathroom and taking my clothes off, turning on the shower head. After taking a shower, I got out and dried myself off, putting on some lotion and deodorant, putting my clothes.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I smelled liquor indicating my mother is up and drunk. My mother wasn't like this until after she had my little brother and my dad end up walking pit of our lives when she was popping pills while pregnant with him. She turned into another woman that I couldn't stand to be around. She partied, got high, done drugs, bringing different men into our house. Bills was going up, meaning I had to get a age of 15, and I'm 19 in a few weeks. Waling into the living room I passed her and went to my 4 years old brother, Timothy so I could get him ready for daycare.

" Tim, come on. Time to get get up for you to have fun and have a good time, come on big guy." picking him up while he groan and waking up from his sleep. I took him the bathroom, turning on the sink since it was almost for him to go to daycare in a few minutes. While the water was on, I turned around and took off his clothes, putting them in the hamper.

" Ant, why does mommy come home looking very weird? And why does she come home with strangers? Didn't she tell us to stay away from strangers?" sighing, I got a rag and soap and started washing him.

I try to keep him from seeing her like this.

"Well buddy, she come like that because she very tired and need sleep, and she comes looking like the cookie monster!" poking his belly and making him laugh. " And the strangers mommy be bringing is people who wants to show her affection and care"

By fucking her senseless or running train into and out of her

"Okay. I can't wait to go to daycare, because I get to see Shelly." smiling at him, because Shelly is his little crush and every time I bully him about it, he pouts and doesn't talk to me unless I give him something. After giving him a bath, I wrapped a towel around him and drying him off. Afterwards, putting his clothes, but to only see our mother walking into her room and closing the door which made me sigh. I looked at the time to see it was time for Timothy to go, which led me to rush me and him out the door, putting him on his bus and walk to the train station.

While walking to the train station, I was in deep thought to see what I'm go have to buy for the house and the bills we need to be paid. I work at the mall Monday thru Wednesday, which I get paid 8.75 a hour, at the football stadium, which only give me about 5.75 per hour. I have to pay the bills, get clothes for me and my brother, and put food in the house, because the mother sales the food stamps for drugs and money and partying. While I was making yhe list in my head, I looked and seen boy get on the train, but not just any boy.


I seen him everyday walking bopping his head to his music, playing with friends, helping strangers and others out, socializing with others, but he never sees me because I'm always in the background just watching, admiring his beauty. No one never knew I existed except at work,because I was always antisocial so I can jeep myself from fake individuals, but him I always wanted to be close to him,but never grew the balls to do so. But now, I go to his school and doesn't even know it.

When he turned around and looked at me, he froze like he was admiring me or something. In my head I would've got up and introduced myself, or if he was a total stranger I would've mean. mug the hell out of him, but instead I just gave him a little stare contest. While I was looking at him, I felt a little emotion that over whelmed me, comfort. Especially his eyes. The had a brown wood, but a little black that gave his skin and personality a glow. I started seeing myself with him, which was weird, so I just shook my head seeing its my stop and his stop also, so I got up and walked out before he could and hid behind a pillar by the train seeing him look around looking for me. I smirked and walked off.

While I was walking I looked and seen a lady talking to man, putting her hands in his pants and stared jacking him off, in public. I rolled my eyes and walking by them, pushing them into the alleys in disgust and walked off with the man groaning. I kept walking and looked and seen it was the school where I have started going for the first time today.

I would've stayed in school, but I dropped out to take care of my brother. My aunt argued with me and enrolled me into this school before she left to Kentucky, which was a week ago. She talked to the principal and they agreed that I can come to school and they will put me in classes for me to graduate.

Walking into the building, going to the front and asking for my schedule for school. After getting my things and schedule, I walked out the door and went to the classroom, knocking on the door, seeing the teacher co e and open the door letting me. She then introduced me to the class and when she asked a student, and said the name to let me sit by them I looked and seen it was the boy from the train


So What Y'all Think So Far??

Have you ever had a mother like this, or know someone going through the same situation as Anthony?

Have you ever had to do two or more jobs to make your money for yourself?

What you feel about the mama?

What you feel about his brother?

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