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Walking down to the subway, I grabbed Timothy and picked him up while I walked into the train, squeezing until I got to a seat and put him beside me while he swung his legs around singing a song I guess he learned from his class and I got unto my phone to check the time so I could go to my work to get the check that they owe me. While I was on the phone, I got text from Michael, letting me know about that he had a good time, which in my head I rolled my eyes because he does this all the time, we fuck, I get what I want, and he text me that he loved and want it again sometime. He thinks I don't know he likes me, but I do. Its just that I have my eye on Elijah.




Your perfect smile that shows the light from my darkness.
Your eyes that holds a key to my heart.
Your body, golden and brown silky skin that always leave me brainless,
That make me feel that You and I should never be apart.

Your presence keeps me and my inner demon in piece.
Your smell smells sweat as nectar.
When you come around everything was just to only cease.
Every time seeing you, I want to be your only lover, and your protector.

I want you.
I need you.
I deserve you.

I love you.


Feeling some shaking on my leg, looking down and seeing my brother letting me know its tome to get off the train I grabbed his hand, walking out of the train door and going to the diner down the street. While we was walking the only thing you could see is crake heads asking for change, hookers in their skippy skirts and high heel broken shoes. I just shook my head in disappointment when I seen a group of kids on the corner sailing rocks to a older man that could be my grandfather.

Finally reaching the diner, I looked inside and seen a few people in the diner, opening the door and hearing the bell I told my brother to go and sit down in the food stool and told him I'll be back. Walking to the back, I saw my boss, Linda, cooking a few pancajes while Jennifer was flipping the bacon over for the bacon cheeseburger deluxe.

"Ah!, Anthony its good to see you come in. I know you off for today but could you do some tables for me, I promise I'll add few more bucks to your check" breathing a little hard trying to rush tk cook the pancakes.

"Yea, sure I'll do it. Timothy at the front, could you make him something to eat if you don't mind. I have to go grocery shopping since my mom didn't do it this month." Rolling her eyes she nodded, handing me my apron and notepad.

"Your mother need help son. You and your brother need to leave that place. Remember that offer still stands, I'm not moving until the end of this month so think about" turning around and goes back cooking.

Linda is like another mother to me and my brother. She knew what we going through with my mother,and she tried to let us live with her, but my dumb self would defend my mother and lie when I was younger until I realised I made a mistake. She offered me her house, everything paid off, only thing I need to pay for is the light and gas bill, the rest she will pay. She just wants us to be in a safe enviroment, but I can't because regardless, Timothy still loves his mother and will have a fit, but I don't want to disappoint him when he sees the real her. I hides him from that.

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