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Walking off from killing that son of a bitch, I walked towards my next class that I had but couldn't go to since what yesterday. When I walked inside I looked and seen a seat by the window, walking and seating on the chair then laying my head down. While I was trying to clear I felt a tap on my shoulder, which mean somebody want something, picking my head to see it was that girl that pushed me against the wall and tried to fuck me in the hallway, literally.

"Hi bad boy, I see you and me meet again? Back for more or are you still hung on that you like ass than pussy?"twirling her hair, sitting on my desk and crossing her legs. But I could smell a scene that want me to hurl,so I just hold my breath from saying something mean and wrong

"I'm sorry,but I'm still gay and always will be gay. Nothing you or anybody can change that. And while you trying to get me in bed you should be trying to get education and not screwing different type of guys"shrugging my shoulders,grabbing my things to start class and hearing her calling me a jerk. When the teacher walked in, she went to the front while the students went and settled in their seats, I felt my phone vibrate, looking to see it was from Michael asking me to come over,which I ignored and closed the phone.

"Okay class, everyone settle down please. Okay, now done of you are in the class that is having that project,so the ones that are in that class please come up and pick a theme for your project." getting up I went to the front and got my theme, which was strange.

My theme was A Bloom.

"Bloom?"I whispered to myself,but I hold on to my theme and walked back to my seat and sat down while a few others that I remember from my class this morning getting their themes. Afterwards, a few was walking back to their seats,but giving me looks like they didn't want me here or disgust,or seduce.

"Okay,since everyone have their theme, I would like to to talk to everyone about emotions. Now everyone have emotions,even those who think they can hide their emotions from the world, anything can make a person show their true emotions. A person, a thing, or the person itself from the memories they remember in their mind. Now, like pictures, art can show a person feeling and it gives more depth of that emotion. Like for a example, hate. Hate can be many different colors,but the common color is red. You can mix colors to show hatred. Love, you can mix colors to make Love. Happy, Sad, Mad, Hurt, Pain etc., you could use many colors to create that feeling. Now, I want you all to draw a picture on a sheet of paper of how you feel now,and when your finish I want you all to present to the class of why you chose thar picture. Now you have 10 minutes, now begin" walking around to see what everyone finna start drawing. Well let me go start drawing.

~10 minutes Later~

"Okay class, pencils down and please everyone take turns of what you feel at the moment" going to the back and letting people start showing what they got. Of course, the girl or whore would be the first to go up.

"Okay, hey everyone. So, my picture that I drew was a rod. Its hard, girth, and its something that I would be liking right now from someone" biting her lip while everyone just either laughed at her, with her, or disgust with her while snooker my head at this foolery. The damn picture was actually a penis trying to look like something else but it was obvious.

"Wassup, my picture is a football. I love football, and the reasoning for the bright colors because I love it, and it gives me happiness" a jock with cocky smile

"Hi, my picture is a computer, and because of the dark and bright colors is because all my life computers all ways got me out of the world and into my own world" a girl with big glasses explained to the class. After a few classmates gave and show the reason of the reason for the picture, it was my turn. Getting up, I went to the front and showed a picture of a boy in tears with dark eyes and dark aura around,which made everyone ooh and ahh, even a few though I was crazy.

"Hey, my picture you seeing is a boy who gone through so much that he feel dark and empty but still have a few tears of pain left to let out. The dark colors and a few light colors blends to give the picture meaning and reasoning without me explaining." a few people started claping a little and the rest nodded their head in agreement.

"Mr.Zimmerman, do you feel like this sometimes or only feels this all the time?"getting a question from the teacher.

"I feel like this sometimes, only when I'm alone with myself. But I don't show it very much because many people don't understand or want to understand."shrugging my shoulders while she nodded her head.

After we presented our pictures,we sat down and talked amongst themselves while I just looked out the window, until it was time to go to our next class. Packing up my stuff, I started walking to the entrance until the teacher called for me.

"Yes, Ms. Lilifaw?"

"Yes, I wants to ask what theme you've gotten for you and your partner?"

"I've gotten Bloom"which she smile sincerely.

"Well, I promise you, you'll love it" nodding my head I walked to my next class SL I could finish doing these classes for school to go pick up Timothy.

~A Few Class Later~

Walking out the door I seen Elijah waiting by the stairs talking with Za'Kayla talking loudly and laughing loudly, which was cute on him. I walked behind him and hugged him which surprised him and mad him blush a little

"Imma let y'all tao, I got homework and a mans to get to" giving us both a hug, Za'Kayla went and got into the car with her boyfriend who looked sick,but I could tell he loved her very much.

"You ready to meet my little brother"

"Sure, let's go" laughing a little he pulled me with him, but looking to the side I looked and seen Zachary looking pissed walking off.

Your lost buddy

So What Y'all Think??


The Girl/Whore??

The Teacher?

Do y'all thinks its kind if corny adding the tittle in the story for the theme for his project?

Have you ever drew or painted how you feel about something?

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