Chapter One

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(Y/n) was moving out of her parents house and was moving into a small apartment complex. She had just brought the last box in and sat down on her couch, which had boxes on it. The (h/c) haired girl decided she was going to get on her computer and play a video game, but life had other plans for her.

(Y/n) heard a knock on the door, she wanted to ignore it, but the people on the other side of the door wouldn't take no for an answer. She put her computer off to the side on a box, and stood up and made her way to the door.

She opened the door to be met with two guys. One of them was tall with bleach blonde hair, and the other one was shorter than the man with bleach blonde hair, but taller than her. He had deep purple hair.

The one with bleach blonde hair introduced himself as Ashiya and said the one with purple hair was Urushihara.

~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

"The neighbors are...interesting, but I can't really say anything because I'm pretty weird myself. And Urushihara hasn't even said a word. Guess he doesn't like to talk, I can't blame him, I don't like to talk either."

"Uhm. What's your name Miss?" Ashiya asked.

"Oh I'm sorry, my names (Y/n). It's nice to meet you." I said, then spaced out again as Ashiya started to talk about how they have another room mate, and that he was out work.

"...So would you like to come over for dinner tonight Ms. (Y/n)?" Ashiya inquired.

"Oh, yeah, sure. What time do you want me over?"

"Shoot, why did I agree to this I don't even know these people, and I'm not even that social." I internally screamed at myself.

"How about six?"

"Sure, sounds good," And before they could say another word I had closd the door in their face.

"That was weird." I said, and went back to sit on the couch and play on my computer.

~~Time skip to six~~

Reader's P.O.V.

I had decided to change my outfit, because my previous outfit was dirty from moving all of my boxes into my boxes into my apartment. I changed into (choose a preferred outfit) and put my hair up in a (hair style).

I walked out of my apartment room and locked the door behind me, and walked about five steps and knocked on the door, which I guess was their room. Some how I remembered they said something about living next door to me.

After a minute of standing there like a retard the door opened and Ashiya greeted me and welcomed me inside. The first thing I noticed was the purple haired boy sitting in the corner of the room playing on a computer.

Ashiya said, "Make yourself at home Miss (Y/n), and don't mind the Neet in the corner. Also our other roommate, Maou, will be home later. Sorry but dinner is not ready yet, it will be about another thirty minutes."

I only nodded my head and went to sit down next to Urushihara. I sat down nest to the purple haired Neet and watched as he played Shadow Snipers. (that is not a real game I just made it up ;))

"That's a cool game its one of my favorites," I said in a quiet voice.

Urushihara didn't even glance my way he just continued to play his game. I just sighed and sat up against the wall and played a game on my phone.

After about ten minutes the apartment door opened and a guy with black/green hair walked into the apartment followed by a girl with fusia pink hair.

"You stupid demon! All you do is mess things up! I know you put some sort of spell on those stairs so that I would always fall down them!" the girl with fusia hair yelled.

"Look Emi, it's not my fault you fall down the stairs. I would suggest not wearing heels every time you come over, that might be part of the problem. " The guy with black hair said to who I assume the fusia haired girl named Emi.

"Oh good, your home Sire, dinner will be ready in a ten minutes. Also we have a guest, so Emi behave yourself." Ashiya said, which made Emi mad and she started to yell at poor Ashiya. That's when the black haired guy looked over and saw me leaning against the wall with my phone in hand.

"Hi there. I heard we had a knew neighbor moving in from the land lady. My names Maou, and sorry about Emi. She doesn't know how to handle her temper. What's your name?"

"(Y/n)" I answered back.

"Nice name, so I assume you have already met everyone?" Maou asked.

I just nodded my head 'yes'.

"Ok dinner is served!" Ashiya said and set the table. Everyone sat at the table, except for Urushihara. It didn't bother me too much so I let it be.

Once we started eating Emi calmed down and introduced herself to me, and we started talking. Then Emi asked, "So (Y/n), do you have a job yet?"

"No, I'm still going to school, but I've been looking for a part time job."

"Ok, well then how about you come over to where I work after school tomorrow. I bet we have an opening for part timing." Emi said really happy.

After saying some goodbyes I left and went back to my apartment. When I got inside the apartment I went to the couch and played on my computer for a bit till I heard a knock on the door. I paused the game and checked the door to see it was Urushihara.

"Emi said to give you this. It's her phone number and her work address." Urushihara said handing me the piece of paper.


He glanced at me one more time then turned around and walked away.

"Weird" I thought to myself, then closed my door.

I put the information from the sheet of paper into my phone, then set an alarm for seven a.m. After some more gaming I had fallen asleep on the couch.

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