Chapter Eleven

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~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

Urushihara had his wings out now and was flying towards me, while Maou was fighting off Sariel. Katashi saw his attack though and flew backwards avoiding Urushihara's attacks. I was still in Katashi's arms, and was really scared and cold, but that's not the point. Sariel was explaining to Maou about why he needed Chiho and I, and about how he wanted the better half from Emi.

Katashi finally flew towards the grown and put me down giving me a wink, but he still had his arm around my bare waist.

"So Urushihara you taking a liking to the little piece of trash I have?" Katashi asked resting his chin on my head and moving his hand on my waist up and down my thigh makin me want to cry.

"Let her go! She isn't a piece of trash!" Urushihara yelled rushing towards Katashi and cutting his cheek. Katashi turned around and faced Urushihara again.

"Didn't any one ever teach you to not take other peoples things!" Katashi yelled stabbing me in the left shoulder. He let go of me and I fell to the grown, screaming in pain.

"Oops. Looks like I broke her?" He said smirking at Urushihara.

That was the last straw, Urushihara rushed at Katashi again kneeing him in the stomach and kicking him into the air. This was repeated over and over again, with the occasional zap of his magic and punch to the face. Katashi was on the grown know next to his blue haired partner, and Maou finished them off.

Emi had been released and Ashiya just turned up, just a little late. They started talking, but Urushihara came over towards me.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled my name and picked me up.

"Look everything is going to be fine, your going to be fine." He said trying to convince himself ore than me. The others noticed the state I was in and said that Urushihara could take me back to the apartments, while they cleaned stuff up. Urushihara used his wings and flew back to the apartments, but I lacked out.

~~Urushihara's P.O.V.~~

I was flying (Y/n) back to the apartment to stich up her wound, because it wasn't all that bad. She ended up fainting though, probably from exhaustion. We made it back to the apartment and I stitched and bandaged her wound.

"I hate Katashi, he hurt (Y/n)! The only person who gives a damn about me! I love her and I can't loose her! Wait did I say l-love? Huh, I guess there is no denying it o love her." I thought to myself, then I looked down and noticed (Y/n) didn't have a shirt on. I blushed and searched through my shirts and put one on her.

"I swear if that b*st*rd Katashi lade a hand on any other part of her I'll go and kill him for sure!" I thought then noticed (Y/n)started to stir in her sleep and she opened her eyes.

~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

I woke up with an aching pain in my left shoulder and something soft on my upper body.

"Urushihara? What happened, is every one else alright!?" I panicked sitting up fast, causing a small jolt of pain to go through left shoulder.

"(Y/n)? Your ok!" Urushi screamed hugging me gently, being careful not to hurt m shoulder.

"I was so worried about you! I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you!" Urushihara said looking down.

"Don't be sorry Urushihara you came to save me! Thank you so much." I said hugging him to death.

"(Y/n) there is something I want to tell you though." Urushihara said braking the hug and blushing,

"Ok, tell me. Please." I said curious of what the purple haired demon had to say.

"(Y/n) I love you, a lot. Your the only one who treats me like an equal, your beautiful, smart, funny...just perfect. I want you be mine please. And I promise I'll be there to protect you from now on!" Urushihara admitted. He looked at me with unsure eyes, waiting for my response.

"I love you too Urushi. Your the only one I could trust when I had no one left to turn to, your caring, fun and you protect me. I love you." I admitted it and it felt great knowing he felt the same way about me.

Urushihara was so excited he smiled really big, then did something I didn't expect him to do. He kissed me, right on the lips. It was a gentle, passionate, and short kiss. We pulled away blushing then Urushihara asked, "Will you go out with me (Y/n)?"

"Yes!" I shouted hugging him not caring if my shoulder hurt. He hugged me back and we stayed like this a bit till I let go of him and looked down at the shirt I was wearing. I blushed knowing that it was Urushihara's shirt and that he saw me in just my bra.

"Oh, um sorry. I didn't pick up your shirt from earlier so I put one of mine on you while you were asleep." Urushihara said blushing and looking away.

"I-It's fine. Thanks." I said giving him a quick peck on the cheek, making him become a tomato.

After a pause for a moment I glanced over to his desk area and noticed he had a PASTA system.

"You have a PASTA too?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, you wanna play? I'll beat you though in any game."

"No you won't. Mine's at my apartment. Want to come over?" I asked.

"Sure." Urushihara stood up and fell back down, causing me to giggle and for him to blush again. He stood up again and grabbed his PASTA and we headed over to my place.

~~Unkown Person's P.O.V.~~

"I can't believe they defeated Sariel and Katashi! They were our strongest offense, well besides us." The annoying girl next to me said. "Don't you think Lucifer though is cute? Even for a fallen angel, he's hot. If only I could get rid of the brat with him."

"Whatever just shut up." I said trying to focus. I had seen Satan through Katashi and Sariel through his portal, so I was trying to manipulate it so they would end up with us. However I only got one of them back. Katashi landed in front of my feet knocked out cold.

"Tch." I said picking the half fallen archangel over my shoulder.

"Where's Sariel?" My annoying partner asked.

"I don't know, but he probably didn't land in heaven. I made sure he would be somewhere close in Japan." I said starting to walk back to the place we were staying at.

"We'll look for him later."


Yay! Another part finished. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment.

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