Chapter Two

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~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

"Beep Beep Beep"

"Nooo, go awayyy!" I grumbled at my alarm clock, then I realized....I'm gonna be late for school!

I jumped off the couch and started to make a quick breakfast and brushed my (h/l) (h/c)hair and teeth. I got dressed in my new school uniform, grabbed my breakfast, and ran out the door of the apartment.

~~Time Skip~~

~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

I had just gotten to my new school, and I was absolutely lost. I was trying to find my way to the office, but to no avail. I continued to walk forward looking at the ground when I bumped into someone, sending both of us falling to the ground.

"I'm really sorry! Are you ok Miss?" A girl with pale pink hair asked.

"I'm fine," I said standing up and holding my hand out to help the girl up.

"Thanks, my name's Chiho. Are you new here?" Chiho asked.

"Yeah, my name's (Y/n), and I'm trying to find the office." I exclaimed to her.

"Oh! I can show you to the office." Chiho said starting to walk towards the schools entrance.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, we made it to the office and Chiho said that she would wait for me outside to show me around. I gladly accepted and walked into the office.

"Hey. I'm (F/n) (L/n) and I was wondering if you had my schedule for school." I said.

"Oh, Miss (L/n) you are," the lady behind the desk said handing me a piece of paper and my new text books.

"Thanks," I quickly said and rushed out the door.

"Oh (Y/n), over here!" Chiho yelled from a cross the hall once I made it out of the office.

I walked over to Chiho, while taking glances at my surroundings. Nothing unusual. I made it over to where Chiho was standing, and she asked, "Can I see your schedule? I can help you find your locker and way around the place."

"Sure," I replied and handed her my schedule. I noticed some people looking at me, and whispering to each other. I started to pull on the sleeves of my school uniform to ease my nerves.

After Chiho looked at my schedule, she took hold of my free hand and lead me down the hallway to where I assumed my locker would be.

"So, why did you transfer here to the school?" Chiho asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Well, I just moved to the area, and I had some...complications at my other school." I replied truthfully hoping she would understand.

"I understand, also here's your locker, it's almost across from mine," Chiho said smiling and showing me a locker.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." I told the bubbly girl.

I unlocked my locker and opened it, putting most of my textbooks in there and keeping the ones I needed. I looked at my schedule and I had math and E.L.A. first.

I showed Chiho my schedule again and she showed me to the rooms. We found out we have math, English science, music, and art together.

~~Time Skip to After School~~

I had spent most of my day with Chiho, and we ended up exchanging numbers before I left to go meet up with Emi at the address she gave me. We decided that after I met up with Emi we could meet at McRonald's and eat. When I had mentioned Emi's name, Chiho told me that she new her and the whole gang. We decided to talk more about it when we met up later on.

I started my walk to Emi's work, and texted her I was on my way. Thankfully the building wasn't as far away as I thought it was.

When I approached the place I saw Emi standing outside waiting for me. I ra over to her and gave her a hug once I got over to where she was.

"Hey, (Y/n). I'm glad you came. Follow me, the boss is waiting for us inside." Emi explained as we made our way inside. I followed her through the building till we came to this room, which I assumed was where Emi's boss was.

We walked inside and Emi introduced me to her boss, and we talked for a few minutes. After a few more minutes of talking I had gotten the job and had gotten a uniform. I was stationed next to Emi and I could work part time.

I was walking out of the building with Emi and told her I was meeting up with Chiho. I asked her if she wanted to come with me, but she said she had some grocery shopping to do.

I was stuck walking alone to meet up with Chiho, which I didn't mind it to much. I had used to walk home alone from school and work all the time. I could see the McRonald's from where I was.

I started walking faster so I didn't have to keep Chiho waiting. Then I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye that looked familiar. I didn't think too much of it, and continued my jog to McRonalds.

I opened the door to McRonald's and saw Chiho behind the counter with... Maou?

"Hey (Y/n)! One sec." she said to me then turned to Maou and said," Mr. Maou can I take my brake now?"

"Sure, and hey (Y/n)" Maou said.

"Hey," I responded.

Chiho came around the counter and lead me to a table where we sat down and got to know each other better.

"How long have you known Maou?"I asked Chiho.

As soon as I asked that Chiho's face went a beautiful color of red.

"W-w-well, um, not too long," Chiho managed to stutter out. I caught on to how Chiho felt about Maou really quick, so I decided to have some fun with this new piece of information.

"You loooooove him!" I said in a singsong voice.

"Shhhhhhh!" Chiho said in a panicked voice. "Please don't tell him! I'm not ready to tell him yet."

"I won't tell him, I promise," I assured Chiho with a smile.

"Thanks Miss (Y/n)."

"Just call me (Y/N), ok?"

"Got it, (Y/N). So...have you had a crush or dated anyone rescently?" Chiho asked giving me her full attention.

"I...don't want to talk about it." I said looking down at my hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories." Chiho said feeling bad about asking her question.

"It's ok. It's wasn't the best situation to be in."

After a hour of talking Chiho had to leave, and Maou was about to get off work.

"Hey (Y/n), would you like me to walk you home?"


After waiting for Maou to get his stuff, he appeared again, and we started to walk back to the apartment complex.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but I overheard your conversation with Chiho about, um, if you were in a relationship. And, um, from how you responded it didn't sound to good. Are you ok?" Maou asked.

"I'm fine. I's painful to talk about," I answered truthfully.

"Well how about to get your mind off of it you come with us to the carnival tomorrow?" Maou asked.

"Sure, I'd love to. Thanks." I responded.

We chatted for a while, then we arrived at the apartments, and we said our 'goodbyes'. I made it into my apartment and looked at my phone, 9:45 p.m. I still had to do my homework, so I made some ramen noodles and worked on my homework.

"Stupid weekend homework." I thought while working on a math sheet.

I decided that was enough homework for the night and pulled out my computer, and I played Shadow Snipers, till I got a message from Chiho if I was going to the carnival or not. I told her I was coming and that I would meet her there. I was really happy to have some new friends in my life.

After playing some more video games and finishing the ramen noodles, I closed my computer and went to my bed to sleep this time.

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