Chapter Seven

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~~Third Person~~

"Why were you with Katashi, and why did you bring him here? What's going on?"

"Urushihara, I can't really talk about it, and I don't know much about what's happening myself." (Y/n) admitted.

"You can't keep hiding things like this, you got hurt last time, and it might happen again." Urushihara raised his voice a little shocking you.

(Y/n) started to get up so she could leave, but Urushihara grabbed her right arm pulling her back towards him. The abused girl screamed in pain, as she felt like her arm was ripping apart. Urushihara let go of her arm with wide purple eyes and stood up. The stitches had broken and the wound reopened. The blood started to seep through (Y/n) jacket/hoodie.

"I-I can e-exp-explain" (Y/n) stuttered out worried and in pain.

"That's good, because I want to know what happened." Urushihara said, gently grabbing your left hand and puling you over towards the table. You sat down and took off your jacket/hoodie to let Urushihara look at the cut. He went to go and get the first aid kit to stitch up your arm again.

"Ok. I accidently ran into Katashi last night at the park. He was saying something about a plan and wanting to meet you guys. I tried to avoid him and he hurt me." (Y/n) explained leaving out important parts, because she didn't think the purple haired demon would believe her.

~~Urushihara's P.O.V.~~

"(Y/n) told me what had happened to her, and I knew she was leaving parts of it out, but I know that I'll figure it out soon. Maou looked like he knew something, and so did Ashiya. He looks familiar too, but I don't remember him from Ente Isles. I really don't like the way he treats (Y/n), maybe I should start hanging around her more often. It would be hard though, even if people are just now forgetting about the bridge being destroyed. I'll just walk her to school. I promise I will protect her, and will find out who Katashi really is." Urushihara thought to himself while stitching (Y/n) wound.

~~Katashi's P.O.V.~~

I had left the apartment complex where (Y/n) and Maou lived. I had gotten a call from my partner and we decided to meet outside of McRonald's. I had met him outside McRonald's and we talked about our plan to bring Satan and Emilia to an end. He had already mapped everything out and had set up a place to work at and keep track of King Satan and Emilia the Hero.

After a while of us discussing our plan and just random chat. I told him I had to go and do something important. I left him to set up the rest of our 'place', while I left to go and talk to someone.


I made it back to the apartments that (Y/n), Maou, and Suzuno lived in. I needed to talk to Suzuno. I owe her an explanation of why I left her. I mean, I am her brother. I got to her door and knocked, she opened the door and frowned.

"What do you want?" Suzuno asked dropping the formalities.

"We need to talk. Please let me in." I pleaded.

Suzuno is my younger sister, and we grew up in the church together. However, I was not needed at the church after a while. My sister grew in her position in the church and I lived with her, doing nothing. I couldn't join the demon armies, but couldn't do anything for the church. Then partner found me and took an interest in me. He could see my potential, so within a week I left Ente Isles and went to where my partner was. I didn't Suzuno though, I left without saying goodbye. My partner and I became close friends and worked together. I rose to be the same level as him, and just as powerful. However, I had forgotten about my sister until now.

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