Chapter Twelve

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~~Third Person~~

Maou went back to work to close up, but got yelled at by his manager about leaving the store and taking a mop with him. However Chiho, Suzuno, and Emi defended him and said they were attacked and Maou saved them. Another employee came out and told them about finding a guy in the fridge. They went to go and look at him, but it turns out it was Sariel. Sariel woke up and started rambling on about how the McRonald's manager was the goddess of beauty or something.

~~Time Skip~~

Maou was walking home with Ashiya. He's been with him the Devil King the whole time, just he was sulking because he was late.

"Hey Ashiya. Do you think Urushihara likes (Y/n)?" Maou asked randomly.

"I think so Sire. He is very kind towards Miss (Y/n)." Ashiya said trying hard not to laugh.

"You wanna place a bet to see if Urushihara will or has asked (Y/n) out?" Maou asked smiling like an idiot.

Ashiya smiled, "Sure, but what are we betting?"

"How about if I loose I won't buy any fast foods or a week? But if I win You can't lecture me for a week?" Maou asked.

"Ok, how long will our bet last Sire?"

"How about Sunday? Speaking of which, next weekend, lets go to the beach." Maou suggested.

"But Sire, I don't know if the Devil's Castel has enough money for that." Ashiya started to worry about finances again.

'I think we have enough, besides Emi will probably follow us, Chiho will want to go, Suzuno might come, and I was planning on bringing (Y/n) anyway. She's had it rough the past few days. And she know knows we're demons, so what the hell? Why not?" Maou said turning into the apartment complex.

"Yes Sire. I'll let the neet know tomorrow." Ashiya said.

They climbed up the steps, and opened their apartment door to be met with no one in the room. They began to panic, because Urushihara was supposed to be there with (Y/n). Maou went next door to (Y/n)'s place to see if they were over there. He heared some rustling around and the door open to reveal a purple haired demon.

"What do you want Maou?" He asked lazily.

"That is no way to address the Sire!" Ashiya yelled in the background.

"Is (Y/n) in there, she ok?" Maou asked suspicious of what they were doing.

"Yeah, I'm here!" (Y/n) called in the backround.

"What are you doing over here?" Maou asked.

"We're playing some games and (Y/n) said I could hang out at her place tonight." Urushihara said smiling a bit.

"Are you sure your ok with that (Y/n)?" Maou asked concerned.

The (h/c) girl appeared before them and said, "No I don't mind you guys just saved my life. Plus this works out, you guys always complain about Urushihara so I'm getting him out of your way. he's welcomed any time he wants to come over or you guys want to get rid of him."

"Ok, but if he gets annoying you can bring him back over. Thanks. See you tomorrow Urushihara." Maou said, but (Y/n) stopped him.

"Maou you know now that I know about your true identities, is that a problem for you guys. If it is you can erase my memories." (Y/n) said shocking the two demons.

"No, it's fine. We can trust you." Maou said, smiling then he left.

Urushihara closed the door and walked back over to the couch and picked up his PASTA. (Y/n) followed him and sat next to him resuming their game.

"Hey (Y/n) want to hang out tomorrow?" The focused demon asked.

"I'm sorry. I have work tomorrow, so I should probably go to bed." (Y/n) turned off her PASTA, and Urrushihara started to pout.

"Don't give me that look. The computer is on the table with the tv remote, and have snacks in the cabinate. I'll get you a blanket and pillow for the couch." (Y/n) tried to cheer up her new demon boyfriend. She got a pillow and blanket and laid it on the couch.

"Good night." Urushihara said pulling (Y/n) into a hug and kissing the top of her head.

"Night." (Y/n) said pulling away from the hug and pecking the Neet on the lips.

(Y/n) went and laid down on her mattress, since she didn't have a full bed. Heck, a full bed wouldn't fit in those apartments.

~~ Mysterious Person's P.O.V.~~

Katashi had woken up and started yelling about killing Urushihara, and that started an argument with Ms. Annoying.

"Why would you kill him! He's perfect! Just absolutely beautiful, he's strong, caring, hot-"

"Shut up! He's going to die! He ruined Sariel's and I's plan!"

"Go die you half fallen!"

"How could you have ever became-"

"Shut up! Our goal right now is to destroy Satan, take the Holy Silver, and find Sariel."



"Thank you. We have a plan and we need you as some back up. While we go and get information on (Y/n) and Chiho."

"And what if I don't want to?"

"We'll make sure you don't get to heaven, and fall like that purple haired demon."

"Fine, fine. I'll help."

~~Next Day~ Urushihara's P.O.V.~~

I woke up on (Y/n)'s couch with crumbs all over me and a few empty chip bags. I looked over to where her mattress was and noticed she wasn't there. I looked back over at the table, and saw a note on my PASTA. I picked it up and read it.

"Hey Urushi, sorry I left so early. I'll be gone till six tonight. When I get back we can play some games. Please clean up the mess you made, and if you leave my place please lock the door. My spare keys are on the counter in a small dish. Thanks.

love you, (y/n)

I put the note back on the table and got out from under the table. I cleaned up my mess and attempted to fold the blanket.

"Being a Neet does have it's disadvantages." I said out loud to no one.

I finally finished cleaning and grabbed (Y/n)'s spare keys and walked out and locked her apartment door. I put the keys in my pocket and walked into Maou's apartment to see Ashiya folding something.

"Hey Ashiya." I said going back to my spot next to the computer.

"Hello Urushihara. Did you have fun playing games at (Y/n)'s last night?" Ashiya asked, nt turning away from his work.

"Yeah" I said not really paying attention to him.

"Oh, and Sire wanted me to tell you that we will be going to the beach next weekend. Please let (Y/n) know when she gets back." Ashiya said, going to wash the dishes.

"Yeah sure." I said.


Hey everyone, sorry this chapter was slow, next chapter should be better.

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