Chapter Six

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~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

We made it to the apartments and Katashi hadn't said a word since we were at the game store. I went to Maou's apartment hoping no one would be home, but unfortunately that wasn't going to happen. Ashiya opened the door and the first thing he looked at was the brown haired sadist behind me. He looked shocked for a moment, but then returned to normal and invited us in.

Maou was home and Suzuno was over at his house cooking with Ashiya I assumed. Thankfully the purple haired neet in the corner hadn't noticed we we're over yet. Maou looked over to where I was standing and then looked a little up to make eye contact with Katashi. He looked alarmed for a moment, but regained his calm composer after a minute.

"I really hope Urushihara didn't tell them about what happened at the carnival." I thought for a moment, but then another idea popped into my head. "What if this is about the Satan and Hero thing? I'm really confused."

I came back to reality after thinking about how Ashiya and Maou reacted to him to be met by beautiful deep purple eyes. They had a look of shock, confusion, and anger in them. I gave him a look of "Don't do anything" and he began to calm down a little, but he still looked concerned.

I noticed Katashi was looking at Suzuno weird, but it wasn't a "Your cute" or "My next victim" look. It was almost an alarmed look, like he was scared of something. I was very confused at this point, I thought that all hell was going to brake loose. I looked back over at Maou and cleared my throat.

"Um, so, uh this is Katashi everyone, he's, um, a friend of mine." I said trying to sound normal, but failed. I'll probably be hit or beaten later.

"Hello Katashi, my name is Maou and these guys are Ashiya, Suzuno, and the neet over there is Urushihara." Maou explained pointing at everyone as he said their names.

Suzuno looked over her shoulder and finally achknoledged Katashi. When she saw him though she glared at him which he returned. I decided that his wasn't a good thing and that they all somehow knew each other.

Ashiya broke the awkward silence when he said he was out of some sort of ingredient and asked if Suzuno had any of the ingrdiant at her apartment. Suzuno turned her attention to Ashiya and said, "Yes, good Ashiya, I do. I will go and get it."

Suzuno left to her apartment to go get the food thing, while we all tried to make small talk.

"Do you guys know each other from somewhere." (Y/n) asked going to sit down next to Maou, but couldn't when she felt Katashi's arm wrap around her waist.

"Get your hands off me!" (Y/n) thought while trying hard to keep smiling. Urushihara saw Katashi's arm around your waist and nearly killed someone, but you had to tryto get him to calm down.

"Katashi, please let go of me, I want to sit down." (Y/n) said trying to get away without getting hurt.

"Oh, sure, Love." Katasji let go of (Y/n) and she went to go and sit down next to Urushihara this time, because he was farther way from Katashi.

~~Katashi's P.O.V.~~

"This isn't going as planned. I didn't think that they would remember me. I did my best to cover up who I was, I even dyed my hair! I should've waited for my partner in crime. He would have had a better plan. Suzuno, she looks like Crestia. The one I used to know back at the church in Ente Isles. The one I left behid when I went to heaven. This is not good. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I really want to punch something, maybe (Y/N)? She has served her purpose I don't need her anymore. Except she might be useful for one or two more things, so I need to keep her around." Katashi thought, then noticed you started to walk away from him, so he wrapped his arm around your waist. He took notice that Urushihara was about to come and tare off his arm.

"So Lucifer has a crush on a pathetic human? This should be interesting, I'll just have to mess with him." Katashi wassnapped out of his thoughts when you started talking to him.

"Katashi, please let go of me. I want to sit down." (Y/n) said sweetly.

"Oh, sure, Love." I responded and took my arm away from her waist and went to sit down at the table.

~~Suzuno's P.O.V.~~

I left to go and get the spice that we needed to complete the dish we were making. I started to think about Katashi.

"I know him, from Ente Isles. Now he's back, probably here for the same reason I am. I can't believe him sometimes! He didn't even try to hide his face or name. Well, he did change his hair color and changed his name a bit. I still can't believe he's here." What she needed and headed back over to Maou's apartment.

~~Third Person~~

Suzuno was back after a few minutes and started working on the food with Ashiya again. Katashi got a call and had to leave. Maou had to go to work in a few minutes, so he began to get ready.


Maou left and now it was just Ashiya, Suzuno, Urushihara, and (Y/n). Ashiya finished preparing the food and layed it out on the table for us to eat. everyone went to the table, except Urushihara, and got something to eat. (Y/n) reached out with her right arm though to grab something, and almost screamed in pain. She was able to not scream though and switched which arm she was grabbing stuff with.

(Y/n) had gotten all of the food she wanted, and noticed that Urushihara was still sitting with his computer in the corner. The beautiful (h/c) girl got another plate and filled it up with food and gave it to Urushihara.

"You need to eat, here." (Y/n) handed the plate to Urushihara and went back to the table to grab hers too. She walked over, with her plate, and sat down next to Urushihara. They ate in silence mostly till Suzuno left, because she had unpacking to do, and Ashiya started the dishes.


Ashiya was done with the dishes and said he was going to the store and library to do some research and get some more milk, or something. Then it was just the two of them. (Y/n) was a little nervous because she thought that Urushihara was going to bring up the Katashi thing, but he didn't. Then five minutes passed and Urushihara started to ask some questions.

"Why were you with Katashi, and why did you bring him here? What's going on?"


Hello again. You might not read the authors notes ad you might, but I just use this time to talk to you guys and get some feed back. I hope your liking the story. Sorry for leaving off here, but I thought it would be best to start the next chapter off with some drama. and sorry for this chapter not being so interesting, don't worry though it gets better. I promise.

Any way hope your night/morning/afternoon is going good, and will talk to you in the next chapter.

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