Chapter Five

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~~Third Person~~

(Y/n) arrived at the park and started walking along the trail that went around and through the park. She was passing the lake when she saw someone she really never wanted to see again. Katashi.

"Why is he here? I really don't want to see him for a second time today." (Y/n) thought to herself trying to avoid the dark haired male. Yet to no avail, Katashi saw her from where he was standing and ran over to where she was.

"Funny seeing you here, love. Did you miss me so much, that you just had to find me?" He purred.

"No. I came here hoping to forget about you, but here I am face to face with a sadistic moron." (Y/n) spat at him, with venom in her words.

"Brave choice of words for someone who had no friends and came crawling to this sadistic moron." He mocked crossing his arm's over his chest.

"Does he not realize that he just insulted himself?" (Y/n) thought to herself.

"Well, it was not nice running into you again, so I'm going to leave." The confident (h/c) girl said starting to walk around Katashi.

"Oh but, love, you don't understand. You can't leave now, we have just started talking." Katashi said grabbing her wrist, preventing (Y/n) to take another step forward.

"I would really like it if you came with me." Katashi said seductively.

"I'm no longer your puppet, Katashi, and I think we're done here." (Y/n) said shaking off his hand from her wrist and beginning to walk forward, but that was a mistake. (Y/n) felt a sharp pain in her right arm, and something warm and sticky started dripping down her arm. Then she felt something wrap around her waist and untouched arm. She dropped to her knees, and screamed in pain.

"Oh, love, looks like you have a cut. That won't do, now will it?" Katashi asked mockingly.

"Where did he get the chains and what did he cut my arm with?" (Y/n) thought as she started to cry. She lifted her left hand up to her right arm to feel what was causing her pain. She felt the warm liquid and something like a arrow head in her arm, but it was bigger than a regular arrow head.

You reached a shaking hand and pulled the torture device out of your arm, causing the girl to cry out in pain. After a minute of screaming you undid the chains around our arm and waist, and stood up on shaky legs.

"Oh, love, does it hurt?" Katashi asked smiling like a crazy man. He was different now though, he had white angel wings, that were black at the ends of them, coming from his back. He also had chains in his hands with arrow heads at the end of some of them.

"Love, I need you to take me to King Satan and Emilia Hero, or should I say Sadou Maou and Yusa Emi? I'm waiting for someone to help me with a job, but it seems they haven't showed up yet. So I'm taking matters into my own hands." He explained coming closer to (Y/n) and grabbing her right hand causing pain to go up her arm.

"So I need your help, 'Rose', because you know both of them. So will you help me? Oh, wait, you will help me and in return I wont kill you. I have your number still, so I'll call you and tell you what to do later. Goodbye, Love." Katashi explained and left, leaving (Y/n) there bleeding.

(Y/n) fell down and cried for what seemed like hours. She eventually stood up again and walked home with her bleeding arm. Everyone she passed on the way back to the apartment looked at her with shocked faces, but didn't try to help her. Instead they walked faster to be avoided by her.


(Y/n) made it back into her apartment and stitched her arm up and bandaged it. She started to cry again when she thought about what had happened at the park. Then she stopped crying and thought about what Katashi had said about Maou and Emi.

"Maou, Satan? Emi, Emilia the Hero? I don't get it. What was he talking about? And him having those wings. Whatis he, and why were the tips of his wings black? I need answers to my questions, but if I ask him about it, he'll kill me. I might just have to ask any ways, or maybe he will explain this to me.

And what about Urushihara? He knows about Katashi! This isn't good. Maybe something will happen so it won't be that big a deal." (Y/n) thought while wiping the remaining tears her beautiful face.

It was now about 11:40 and (Y/n) decided she needed to go bed, so she changed her clothes and was careful about her arm. She went to her bed, bundled up under her blankets, and fell asleep.

~~Next Day~~

The next day (Y/n) woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her door, again. She got up from the couch and put on a (f/c) sweat shirt over your night shirt to hide the bandages on her arm.

She opened the door to be met with a girl with navy blue hair and she was wearing a traditional kimono.

"Greetings." The girl said bowing, "My name is Suzuno. I am your new neighbor, It is nice to meet you."

"Hi Suzuno, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you too." (Y/n) said carefully rubbing her injured arm. "Have you already met the guys next door to me?"

"No good (Y/n), I have not." Suzuno responded.

"Well you should go and say 'hi', they're nice guys." (Y/n) said trying to get her to leave so she could get dressed.

"I will go do that, it was nice to meet you good (Y/n)." Suzuno said bowing againg and leaving.

(Y/n) closed the door and went to get dressed. She got dressed in a (f/c) T-shirt and jeans. Then she put on a (hoodie/jacket) to hide her bandages for the day. She was about to go over to Maou's place to hang out with Urushihara, till she got a text.

From: Katashi To: (Y/n)

"Hello beautiful flower. I need you to meet me at the video game store so we can talk and you can introduce me to Maou and Emi. I'll be waiting for you there, don't take to long Love."

From: (Y/n) To: Katashi

"Ok, I'll be there in a few minutes."

(Y/n) changed her plans and grabbed her bag, and then headed to the game store.

~~At Game Store~~

(Y/n) made it to the game store and saw Katashi waiting for her by the front desk.

"Hello Lovely. It's been to long since I have seen you, oh, never mind I saw you yesterday. And what an event that was." Katashi said referring to last night. "Well let's not wait, let us go and say 'hello' to Maou."

Katashi linked his arm (Y/n)'s uninjured arm after talking, and started walking to the apartments. Letting (Y/n) guide the way, because he did not know where the apartments were.


Hi everyone! I hope all of you are doing well, and that you liked this chapter. I don't have anything else to say besides the next chapter will be out soon. Bye!

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