Chapter Eight

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~~Reder's P.O.V.~~

It's been a almost a week, and Urushihara has walked me to school everyday since Sunday. Over that one week Urusihara and I have grown closer together, and my feelings for him have grown too. Thankfully Katashi hasn't talked to me lately, but I still don't have a good feeling he's done using me yet.

"Knock knock knock"

"Urushihara is here"

I grabbed my stuff and opened the door to be face to face with the cute deep purple eyed male.

"Hey Urushihara! Ready to go?" I asked turning around and closing m apartment door.

"Yup. Let's go." Urushiara grabbed my hand and started leading the way, while I had a small blush on my cheeks.

"You glad it's Friday?" The neet asked.

"Yup! But I have to work after school. Emi and I are going to go pick up some food on the way home. The only thing is I'm working late tonight." I explained.

"That's to bad. I was hoping we could play Fantasy Realms after you got off work." Urushihara said disappointed.

"Don't be sad Urushi. We can still play some games. It will just be later on tonight." I reassured him.

"Urushi?" Urushihara asked confused.

"That's my nickname for you. Is that ok?" I asked, scared that he would say he didn't want to be called that.

" it. But only you can call me that." Urushi said with a red tint on his cheeks.

We continued to talk about random things for a while until we arrived at our destination. I gave him a hug goodbye and walked into the school to look for Chiho. I found Chiho waiting for me near my locker and approached her.

"Hey Chiho-chan!" I said giving her a hug.

"Hey (Y/n)! Hurry up and get your books, I heard we have two new students in our class!" Chiho exclaimed excitedly hugging me back. I broke the hug and got my books from my locker, then we started to walk to our first class.

"Did Urushihara walk you to school again?" Chiho asked

"Yeah." I said trying to fight down a blush.

"Isn't that sweet? I wish Maou would do that for me. Do you know why he walks you to school everyday? Are you two dating?!" Chiho asked excitedly making me blush uncontrollably.

"N-no it's n-not l-l-like that. And I don't know why he walks me to school everyday." I responded regaining my composer.

"You loooove him~!" Chiho said in a sing song voice.

"Well, um, I-I won't deny it, but I won't confirm it either." I said looking down at my feet.

"Hehehe." Chiho giggled.

"Any way. How's work?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Not so good. Sentucky Fried Chicken moved into a building across the street from us! But I know Maou has a plan to make sure we get more customers." Chiho said pumping her fist into the air.

"Well I hope it works out in your favor." I said giggling at her childish behavior.

We continued to walk to class and arrived at our destination and took our seats. Chiho sat in front of me and I sat in the back row with an empty seat beside me. Soon more people came into the class room and started talking amongst themselves. The teacher came in the room and started to make his announcements.

"Good morning everyone, we have two new students joining us today. Miss Aiko and Mr. Hiroki. Please come in."

To people walked into the room. One was a girl with pink hair and green eyes, the other was a guy with white hair and red eyes. They introduced themselves an dwent to go and take their seats. Hiroki sat next to me and Aiko sat in front of Hiroki. Once Hiroki sat down he turned to me and winked. I blushed a little, but turned away.

"I love Urushi, not this new guy. I don't even know anything about him! Plus he could be like Katashi." I thought while doodling in my notebook.


The day went by fast and Aiko and Hiroki became pretty popular really quick. I ignored them though and Chiho did the same. I had to go to work, so I told Chiho goodbye and that she should come over to my place tomorrow to hang out. She agreed and left, leaving me to walk to work alone.


I got to work ok and changed into my uniform. I took my seat next to Emi's office and put my headset on. I was doodling in my notebook again till I got a call from some annoying customers. This went on till I was able to get off work. With the occasional talking to Emi and Rika.


I got off work and changed back to my school uniform, because I didn't have any comfortable clothes.

"You ready to go Emi? I kinda want to get home as soon as possible." I asked, walking outside with Emi.

"Yeah that's fine. You going to play a video game with Lu-, I mean Urushihara again?" Emi asked walking beside me.

"Yup. He looked sad when I told him I was working late today, so I told him I would play Fantasy Realms with him." I answered her.

"(Y/n) just remember what I told you before. Don't get too close to him. He is trouble."

"I know Emi, but I do trust him. And I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself from falling in love with him." I said feeling a little guilty.

"Just as long as you don't get hurt from him, I guess it wouldn't be so bad." Emi said, looking the other way.

We continued to talk, and we got to the store pretty quickly. We walked in and walked around grabbing what we needed. We went to check out when suddenly a person in a black cloak attacked us. Emi told me to stay back, which I didn't hesitate to do so. She had summoned this sword out of no where and started fighting the cloaked person. The cloaked person eventually ran off and Emi got rid of her sword.

I was speechless. I didn't know what had just happened. The guy behind the counter though said we had to stay until the police arrived. Which gave me plenty of time to question Emi. Emi came back to where I was and sat down next to me.

"How, what? How did you do that? What was that?" I asked purely confused.

"Huh. I guess I have some explaining to do know." Emi thought out loud. "Maou, Ashiya, Urushihara, and I aren't from this world. We are from Ente Isles, another realm. Maou is King Satan, Ashiya is Aciel a demon general, Urushihara is Lucifer another demon general, and I'm half human half angel." Emi explained. She explained everything, from leaving Ente Isles up till now. I was shocked, why didn't they tell me this sooner? Emi finished explaining and it was now my turn to talk.

"I haven't been fully honest with any of you either." I exclaimed. I told her everything I knew about Katashi, even stuff I didn't tell Urushihara. Like the angel wings and him wanting to destroy them.

"I' sorry I kept this from you. I thought you would think I was crazy or something, but please stay safe. I don't want you to get hurt. That might of been Katashi who attacked us, but it didn't seem like him. And I don't know any one else who would do this." I said, looking at my hands.

"Don't worry, it'll be ok. Just if you hear from Katashi let me know. Also is it ok if I tell Maou about what you told me?" Emi asked.

"Yeah that's fine." I answered.

The police finally showed up and we were able to leave. I told Emi goodbye and headed home to be scolded by Urushi.


Pretty interesting chapter huh? Well it is going to get better and I can't wait to start using the new characters! But they will come later on, sorry. Next chapter is pretty action pacted can't wait for you guys to read it. Till then vote and comment, bye.

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