Chapter Ten

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~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

We walked into the McRonald's and sat down. Maou came over to our table and started arguing with Emi about that she had to place her order at the counter. Chiho showed up with Emi's order and Rika had a cuteness over load. Rika released Chiho and turned her attention to Maou. She started to talk to Maou about his leadership and how there were no people in the restaurant. He defended himself by saying he had a plan.


Maou had a sasa bamboo plant, used in the Tanabata Festival. Kids twelve and under could write down their wishes and hang the paper on the tree. This attracted them a lot of customers during the rush hour and Rika was impressed with Maou, so she 'approved' of him. Whatever that meant.

Maou had to work late and Rika and Ashiya were walking home on there own, so it was just Emi, Chiho Suzuno, and I walking home together. Emi said we should drop of Chiho first then we could take the train back to where Suzuno and I lived.

We were not too far from where Chiho lived and we started talking until Suzuno suddenly stopped. She started to talk about how they needed to take down the Devil King fast. She said that he was regaining his magic and that's how he attracted so many people for his sales. Chiho got upset and tried to defend Maou, Emi and I stayed out of it for the most part.

Suzuno asked Emi's opinion about it, but she said that she wanted a world peace were no sacrifices would be made and no one would be hurt. Suzuno gave up and left us standing there.

"Maybe I was too mean, I feel really bad and-"

"Chiho, it's ok. Suzuno just needs to cool off. She should be ok, and you can apologize to her later." I tried to comfort the upset girl.

I was about to hug Chiho when Emi grabbed both of us and jumped out of the way of something crashing right where we were standing. The smoke cleared and two figures could be seen, and Emi summand her Better Half.

"You're making a brave move, attacking us out in the open." Emi said to the two figures.

Chiho got out her phone and dialed Maou, I assumed while Emi tried to hold off one of the attackers.

"Where is the other guy?" I thought looking around. Then I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close.

"Did you miss me, love~~?" Katashi asked.

At that point I felt hopeless. I've seen Katashi's power, and I was terrified.

"Get your hands off of (Y/n)!" I heard Chiho yell, but she was stopped by Suzuno!?

Suzuno knocked Chiho out and Emi was on the ground.

"Are you ready Love?" Katashi asked.

"Ready for what?" I thought, then I didn't feel the ground under my feet any more. I noticed that Emi and Chiho were picked up by The other guy who I assumed as KAtashi's partner. Suzuno was also following us to help Katashi and the other guy out.

~~Urushihara's P.O.V.~~

(Y/n) wasn't back yet and she said that she would play Fantasy Realms with me! I decided to call Maou to ask him about (Y/n) and to tell him what I found out about the SFC.

"Hey Maou"

"What do you want Urushihara?"

"I have some information on SFC for you."

"Ok, what you have to say? And how are you calling me?"

"Well first I'm calling you through the computer, and the SFC manager seems strange. When you said he came to speak to you did he look buff?"

"No he looked like a shrimp. Why?"

"There is only one Sarue there, and he is buff and really tall."

"Doesn't sound like him."

"Oh and have you seen (Y/n)? She isn't back yet and I'm getting worried."

"Hehehe, you have a crush on her?"

"No! She is just a really great friend, who respects me."

"Whatever. Oh, I have a missed call from Chiho....there's no voice message that's weird. Can you track someone from their phone?"

"No, but I did put a tracker in Emi's purse."

"What! When? And how much did that cost me?"

"I put it in her purse when she wasn't looking nd made sure she couldn't find it."


"What is it?!"

"The tracker is showing that Emi is flying through buildings."

"Where are they heading?!"

"Looks like the capital building."

"Urushihara meet me their the girls are in danger."

Maou hung up and I grabbed my shoes and ran to the capital building.

"Please wait for me (Y/n), I promise I'll save you."

~~Reader's P.O.V.~~

Emi was being tortured by the guy with blue hair, Sariel.

"So are you going to give up the Better Half?" Sariel asked.

"I can't the sword is not materializing for you, so- Ughhh!" Emi screamed n pain.

"Emi! St- mphmm!" I tried shouting out but my mouth was covered by some ones hand.

"I'm sorry love, but I'm going to have to have you shut up." Katashi said as Sariel continued to torture Emi.

"Oh love. You are so beautiful I can't help but want to explore you." Katashi said sitting me up and pulling me into his lap. He began to run his hands up and down my body, from my bust to my mid thigh. I was on the verge of tears, I just wanted Urushihara to save me.

Sariel began to unbutton Emi's shirt so he could extract the Holy Silver from her body. Chiho woke up and started yelling at Katashi and Sariel about being perverts. Sariel got mad then said he would explore Chiho's body next. I wanted to say soomething, but I was scared Katashi would hurt me.

Sariel looked at Suzuno and said that the Devil King and Lucifer were here and that she wanted her to take care of it. Chiho and Emi tried to stop her, but she didn't listen and left.

"Well love, how about we take this a step further." Katashi said taking of my shirt and spreading out his wings flying kinda of the grown and sitting cross legged, pulling me into his lap. He continued to rub his hands up and down her body, and he started to kiss down my neck.

I started to dry and Chiho was really upset about the whole situation. Then Maou and Urushihara came through the stair doors, looking pretty worn out. Suzuno must have given them a good beating.

Urushihara looked over in my direction and saw me in Katashi's lap. He looked like he was about to strangle Katashi and kill him in the most gruisem way possible, but he couldn't because he didn't have enough magic left. Sariel started blowing up stuff trying to kill them, bouncing the around the building.

Then they started regaining their magic, it was at an extreme level too, Suzuno appeared again and sheltered Chiho.

"You still think you can defeat me? My power grows as I get closer to the moon." Sariel boasted flying up towards the moon. Maou and Urushihara exchanged glances and went off in separate directions. Urushihara towards me and Maou towards Sariel.


I know this is awful of me, stopping the story right here. Don't worry the rest is in the next chapter. Enjoy.

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