Isaac Lahey: I came to win..

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Isaac x Reader:

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I was standing outside the school, waiting for my best friend. He was late for his first lacrosse game, even though he said he was going to be on time. Lately Isaac, Scott and Stiles were always turning up late to important occasions, such as last week it was my birthday and they said they would meet me at the cinema but ended up turning up 2 hours later, causing me to watch the film by myself. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. Considering Isaac was supposed to be my best friend, he would always lie to you about what they were doing. He had a tell, when he was lying but i would never catch him out on it because i didn't want to start any arguments with him.

I walked into the school, trying to find coach to tell him they were late, as i couldn't be bothered to wait any longer for them to show. I didn't even like Lacrosse- I hated it with a passion, i only came tonight to support Isaac. He meant so much to me, but I was starting to think I didn't mean this much to him anymore. He just didn't care about his actions. He would apologise for being late but then carry on as if nothing had ever happened. One time I had tried to get answers out of Lydia and Allison by bribing them but it never worked. They just said it was nothing for me to worry about, and that everything was fine.

I finally found coach in the boys locker room, giving the team minus Isaac, Scott and Stiles a lecture on winning tonight and how much this game is going to cost them if they don't win.

"Erm, Coach, they still aren't here yet, it's been half an hour.." i said as you walked over to coach trying to ignore the whistles coming from the various boys around me.

"I'm sorry, did I just hear you say my two best players are half an hour late or did I hear that wrong Miss Y/L/N?" Coach replied, laughing at my words. He stopped when he realised I wasn't lying to him. I nodded at him and sighed.

"I've tried calling all three of them but they aren't picking up, sorry coach.." I was cut off when the three of them stumbled into the room, out of breath, probably from running - not wearing their Lacrosse kit.

I stood there, arms crossed glaring at Isaac, he just looked at me with sad eyes, mouthing an 'I'm sorry'. I was honestly so done with this shit. I walked out of the locker room, walking toward the schools exit, so I could go join Allison and Lydia at the back of the school. Once I was there I took my seat next to Allison, near the front, so we had a perfect view of the pitch. I wanted this game to be over with so I could go home. 

"Hey Y/N, what's wrong?" Allison asked, looking concerned. I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sick off all the lies you guys are throwing at me. I know you have all been lying to me the past couple of months, so don't even bother saying you haven't." I replied harshly, looking forwards, so I was staring into the distance.

"Y/N.." Allison started but I cut her off.

"Don't. Please don't come up with some lame excuse as to why you've been lying." I snapped, still not looking at the pair of them.

"We are just trying to protect you.." Lydia added, sounding sad. I shrugged it off and stayed staring into space, ignore everything around me. I was brought out of my thoughts by Isaac, trying to get my attention.

"What do you want Isaac." I glared at him as he sat next to me. His expression was hard to tell, but I ignored it.

"Listen Y/N, I'm sorry I've been acting weird lately-" He said but  I cut him off like I did with Allison.

"Isaac why did you even come here tonight if you knew you were going to be late for yet again another thing." I said, trying to stay calm.

"I came here to win." He said proudly before smashing his lips to mine, confusing me. When he realised It wasn't in my intentions to kiss back, he pulled away.

"Y/N, I like you a lot okay. And I promise you I will tell you everything as soon as this game is over." He said, sounding sincere. I nodded. I never really thought about my feelings for Isaac, I knew they were there but I didn't want to ruin our friendship by putting my feelings first.

I placed my lips against his soft ones, kissing him again. He kissed back instantly. After a few minutes we pulled away from each other.

"Go win the game." I smile at him.

"I already have," He says with a massive grin on his face before standing up and heading down to the pitch to join the rest of the team.

I'm sorry if this is rubbish, I'm gonna start doing them in first person now. Send me requests.

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