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It's Halloween and Riley decided he wanted to hang out with me in the forest.

He took a breath and yelled at the top of his lungs "Happy Fucking halloween" then gave an evil laugh.

I giggled at the fact that he embarrassed me.

I like seeing the nice side of my Riley.

"What do you guys do for halloween?" I asked him.

"Hm? Oh we don't really celebrate halloween, we just go running at night"

"In wolf form?"


"Cool!" I looked into his hazel eyes. They were so beautiful.  Any girl would fall for his trap I'm just lucky that I'm not in it. "So about the Christmas thing"

"Please come, sorry I sounded commanding on the phone"

"It's ok, I think I can come"

"Great!" He kissed my lips and I just melted.


Riley got permission to go into my room today by my own brother, who is in repeat really protective of me.

It's funny how he's the Alpha but in my house he has no authority.

We both lay on my bed and there was a pregnant silence as we both looked at the ceiling afraid to look at each other.

"Your bedroom looks nice" he said out of the blue.

"Um... thanks?" I said awkwardly. "Can I see your wolf?" I asked him. He looked a little nervous.

"Um... I could show you... but I mean I don't know what he will do if I let him out" aww how caring is he.... wait a sec he just called himself a wild animal.

No shit he is.

"I have a silver bullet" his eyes widen. I really wasn't joking. Even though it would haunt me if I killed him. It would haunt him even more if I died by him.

He just sighed and went into my bathroom.

Few seconds later a wolf comes out of my bathroom. He was so beautiful. His fur was a golden brown color and I just wanted to grab him and hug him. But even though he was beautiful he was dangerous.

The wolf jumped on my bed and put his head onto my lap. He looked adorable this way. I just scratched his ears and treated him as if he was just a normal pet. It was funny to me.

He rushed to the bathroom to change back.

When he came out he was smiling at me.

"Really? You were rubbing my stomach?" He said laughing.

I laughed at the question he said to me.

"Come on you know you liked it" I said jokingly.

He rolled his eyes. Making me laugh a little more.

He raised his eyebrow and then he pounced on me.

He clamped his hands on my wrists and he was over me and if he was going to have sex with me.

But he just smiled and let my hands go but he's still over me.

"Your not worth it" he got off of me and started walking towards the door outside.

"What do mean I'm not worth it?"

"Trust me. You don't want it" he opened the door about to step out.

"You know, I find this highly offensive!"

All he did was smirked and left my room.

Usually a man would me slobbering to have sex but Riley is more controlled... unless you want to break up with him. Then he's all, I own you and you can't run away from me because I have a God complex.


Riley Rivers

I really didn't want to ruin her. I mean it's barely even a month and I showed her my wolf.

Plus it's halloween and I don't want to have sex today with anyone. I just want to get home take a nap and later do the pack run.

"Can I please do the run today" Stefanie was begging me. She never begs me. If she was Vanessa or any other chick I would have said something, for being the player I am.

Yes I'm a fucking douchebag and I know it.

I except it, it's my hobby. But I'm trying to stop since I almost lost Charol.

I just think she's beautiful, and I don't care that she's part hunter or the fact that she can kill me at any moment that she wants to.

She's mine.

"No Stef, you know that" I said being grumpy. I mean I still took my nap but I'm almost covered in papers at my desk in the office.

"Why? Sabrina gets to do it"

"She's gets to do it because she's 18 and I said no, so no is my final answer. Capish" I said snapping at her.

She growls and says some curse words in Spanish. Wow how I love my family so.

When it was time for the pack run, I felt the energy of all the wolves, ecstatic to be able to roam freely with no precautions or worries. Basically what we do is just run and go to a cliff then howl at the moon it's pretty easy. I just don't know why pups are so excited about it.

They act like it's a big party, but it's not. It's where we dedicate ourselves to the moon, we have feasts and we drink until we pass out or get tired.

It is tradition, that the Alpha leads the pack run. As I turned into a wolf, the others follow. Then we wait for the sun to finally come down so we can get there on time to howl. We all watch the shades of the sky turn purple, then into a dark blue.

We started the run. I keep on forgetting what it feels good to be free. To feel the wind.

To know your in love....

You do have a point there.

I always have a point

I always felt burdened by my family to become the Alpha of this pack. I remember my first time leading the run. It was my father who gave me the opportunity.

But I wish I never took it. Being an Alpha only brought misery into my life. But I guess Charol is an exception. Maybe even more than a highlight.

As we reached the cliff. I saw the moon and it's light covering the trees and the river below. They waited on my count to dedicate our call upon the moon goddess. For a great new year.

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