OBTA: Lore

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Hello, this is a fun chapter that explains the weird parts. If you have any questions. You are welcomed to make a comment and I'll make a lore chapter.

The Spirit Beings, Kings, Witches and Wolves.

Okay. So in this book each wolf is reincarnated. The wolves soul abides in the Spirit Relm. So wolves are woodland spirits.

There are a few Gods like Acadia, Osiris and Raven, so forth.

Think of them as the Olympians of the Spirit Relm.

Osiris is the king of the Spirit Relm, king of Wolves and is reincarnated into Evan Vespuci (TCOTA)

Acadia was an omega wolf that Osiris fell in love with. Acadia is the sister of Ravena, and is reincarnated into Hazel Rivers.

Ravena is also an Omega and sister of Acadia, she also fell in love with Orion and is seen as the daughter of Darkness as Orion embodies darkness itself. She is reincarnated into Rileys mother.

Orion is a spirit being that abides and feeds off of chaos and darkness, who is reincarnated into Riley.

Willa is a spirit being that are known to be apart of a forgotten and rare sprirt the Blood Wolves. The Blood Wolves are hardly reincarnated as they are guarders and protectors of the Spirit Relm. They are larger and stronger in stature. Willa is reincarnated into Charol.

Why are they being reincarnated? Why is it that Willa becomes Charol?

So the humans are reincarnated the moment from birth. Not all humans are like this, but if you are born with the lineage of a Woodland Wolf you will become a host. Due to magic and the divinity of each Spirit Being does not diminish nor is it destroyed.

Charol is the daughter of a Hunter and a Beta wolf. I will disclose this information although it would be important lol.

The Hunter Clan of Moonlight Falls.

The Hunter clan lives in the Human Village in the town of Moonlight Falls. Believe it or not, many of them live in the forest the same way as the Wolf Clan. The hunters are seen as the hillbillies that hunt for fun.

Hunters have the capabilities to possess magical weapons that can kill wolves as well as its Spirit. Ravena helped them with the technology, but with the cost. Ravena is known as the villages witch, who blesses them.

Ravena planned to have Charols mother to be the one who will bare the child of a half wolf, half human being as a way to spy on the Wolf Clan as Charols father is a Beta.

According to her, she was going to die in the woods as she was attacked by rogues that live in the surrounding area, she was saved by a large black shadow like wolf with red eyes, and it bowed down to her as she was saved.

It is believed that this wolf has accepted to save her but in exchange to reside within Charol.

The Event Riley Rivers still has PTSD about till this day.

One moonlight night, it is the time the spirit relm and the earth relm becomes one, the time when most wolves are one with their spirit being and has been accepted by their spirit being.

Because Ravena has dedicated Riley to Orion from the start of his birth, he was 100% not Riley, Orion had become human, which is the plan of Ravena, so that spirit beings may roam on earth.

Riley's girlfriend at the time. Talia, was caught up at the wrong place and the wrong time. Riley at the time had no control over his wolf. He sadly does not remember much of that night but he remembered seeing his love on the ground bleeding. She refuses to speak to him so he never knew what exactly did Orion did to her.

Spirit Being Abilities.

Spirit Being Abilities are only active when the Spirit and the Host are unified, then the host can use the spirit to perform the act they wish. I.E Riley and Orion.

Thats it for lore for now. Please ask questions about something that didn't make sense and I will explain what was supposed to happen.

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