Meet Again Part 2

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Boros? Boros tilts his head and asks who are you? You are shocked and asks what you don't remember me Boros it's me (y/n). Boros realizes that it's you, runs up to you, and gives you a big bear hug. Saitama is so confused and asks what's going on. You explain that you two were childhood friends and how you got separated from him. Saitama gives that oh face which made you laugh and sigh in happiness. You turned towards Boros and asked if he could stop destroying the city. Boros replied saying of course anything for you. In his head he said anything for the love of my life.(awwwwww😍😍) You guys started talking and decided to tell captain (c/n) that Boros won't destroy the city and wanted to live in the city instead. He agreed and soon Boros became a hero Class SS rank 3.

Le Skip

Boros are friends with Saitama,Genos, (b/n) and Sonic.(the hedgehog^_^) You guys had fun and soon it was time to go so you all went to Saitama's apartment. You fell asleep and the boys started to play truth or dare.(I know kinda girly but it gets to good parts) Everyone went except Boros because he was scared.

Boros POV

Genos: Boros it's your turn truth or dare.
Boros: Truth
Everyone looks at Boros with a mischievous smirk.
Genos: Do you have a crush on (y/n)?
Boros: Yes I do have a crush on (y/n).
Everyone except Boros says I knew it!! Almost causing you to wake up. Your brother (b/n) gets scared and shushes everyone.
Sonic: Why are you scared?
(B/n): Because (y/n) will hurt us if we wake her up:'(.
And everyone knows about your anger problem and your strength.So they all stayed quiet until you woke up. You yawned and asked why they were looking at you like they were scared of you and they said no reason hehe a bead of sweat on their face. You said OK and went to stretch and told them you were going to go train. They all said goodbye and sighed in relief.
(B/n): That was a close one and everyone said ya. End of POV.

You all were tired and went to sleep. When you came back from training you saw all of them asleep and decided to cover all of them with a blanket. When you got to Boros you thought to yourself that he was cute when asleep. You blushed, shook your head and left the apartment to sleep in your own home.

To be continued

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