Sick Of It Part 5

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I'm sorry guys that I haven't been updating or have been on Wattpad so I'mma try not to make this trashy like part 4 and i might delete Wattpad. I hope you guys keep reading and vote for my story I love you guys.

Amai Mask POV: *sighs* this girl I can't get her out of my head what's wrong with me. Am I in love? No it can't be I can't be in love with y/n but why does my heart beat faster when I'm around her? Ugh this is so confusing!!! Maybe the next time I see her I will confronted her about this feeling. *Sighs* I need to take a walk maybe to the park? Yes to the park I go

Y/n POV: ugh what happened yesterday was so disgusting I need to clear my mind so I'm going to the park. I get dressed in a f/c (your choice of clothes) and head to the park. Once I get there I sit under a tree looking at everything go bye.*Sighs* I hope it's the last time I go on a mission seeing a monster like that.

Amai Mask POV: I get dressed and go to park a see y/n sitting under a tree and I start blushing. Wait why am I blushing? I brush that off and walk towards her when I do my heart is beating faster than normal. I breath in and out going closer to her than I walk in front of her. Hi y/n I have a question.

Y/n POV: I see Amai Mask walk in front of me and told me he had a question. Sure dude what's the question? I can tell he's nervous about something.

Amai Mask POV: I gulp and ask what is this feeling I have when I blush and my heart beats faster when I'm around you?

Y/n POV: uhh that was unexpected well Amai Mask that is called your in love with me. I wonder what Boros is gonna say about this?

To be continued~

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