The Plan

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You were just sitting on your couch watching TV when b/n came in and gave u a note saying that it was from some unknown person. You read it and it said,

Dear y/n,
I want you to meet me at the park at 6:00. There is something important I want to tell you and I hope to see you there.

                                                                    Secret Admirer

You didn't want to at first but b/n kept begging you to go so you took a shower and wore a f/c dress and went to the park. You waited until 6:00 and Boros shows up you both greet each other and soon felt an awkward silence. You broke the silence by asking Boros if he was the one to send you that note and to your surprise it was him. You asked what was important that he wanted to tell you and see that Boros looks nervous but you ignored it.

Boros POV:

I felt nervous about telling y/n my feelings scared that she was going to say no. I looking at her, took a deep breath, and told her that I liked her very much and wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend.

Y/n POV:

Did Boros just ask me to be his girlfriend???!!!! I looked surprised and I smiled and said yes. He looked surprised and I told him I liked him the way he liked​ me. He was very happy and so was I. We were just talking until it got late and had to go. We said our goodbyes and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was blushing madly and gave me and we went our separate ways.

When you got home you ran to your room smiling like an idiot and screaming yes into your pillow. When you were done your brother b/n came in and asked what happened. You told him and he said finally. You didn't know what he meant but you didn't care. You took a shower,got dressed,and went to sleep thinking about Boros.

Hey guys it's me Starfire and sorry I didn't update for I think a week or 2 but I got busy and I didn't have inspiration so ya. I'm really hoping to get 1k but right now I have 3 hundred and something so keep reading guys. Love y'all 😘😘😘 Bye~

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