A Good Day...Maybe

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Y/N POV: I woke up smiling knowing I was in Boros' arms. I carefully got off of him and got ready for the day. Afterwards I went into the kitchen to make Boros and I some breakfast. When I finished, I set the food on the table and walked back into Boros' room only to find a wet naked Boros. I blushed and quickly turned around. "B-boros I m-made breakfast come down and e-eat p-please." I blushed even more as I became a stuttering mess. I felt Boros' eyes on me but I shrugged it off and walked back into the kitchen not wanting anything else to happen in that room.

Boros POV: I felt my beloved y/n get up but I was too tired to do anything so I stayed in bed. When she left for the kitchen I got up and took a shower. After I was done I went to find some clothes in the drawer. Before I could put on the clothes I've decided to wear, I heard the door open and I turned around to find a blushing y/n. I looked at her confused as she turned around. " B-boros I m-made breakfast come down and e-eat p-please." She said stuttering . I smiled at her and how cute she was when she stuttered. I watched her walk away then I put my clothes on before walking down to the kitchen. When I arrived a lemon was thrown at me. I looked at her confused. "Why?.." I said very confused.

Y/N POV: When I heard Boros walk down stairs I grabbed a lemon and threw it at him. He looked at me confused. I just smiled. "Do you wanna make lemonade afterwards?" I asked him. He just shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

~To be continued~

Hey guys it's Starfire. I'm sorry I haven't been making more stories due to me being lazy but I'm trying to make more seeing that a lot of you like it. I'm also wondering if you all want me to actually make a lemon if so please comment. I need more ideas and so far the ideas I have come later in the story. I hope you all are doing well. I love you all. Bye~ 💗😚

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