The Misunderstanding Part 3

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At the cafe~

Y/n POV:

*Sighs* why does everything in my life have to be difficult? *Sits in the cafe and orders f/f* I guess after this I'll go back to the apartment. *Receives f/f, eats it and leaves*

At the apartment~

B/n POV:

Yeesh that was not like her to do that I hope she's ok.

Boros POV:

Damn it why did you do that g/n!!!!

G/n POV:


Everyone POV:

*Shocked* really?

G/n POV:

Yes I have always been it's because she's prettier than me and she's ​better than me in every way. I just want to be like her but I know I can never be.

Y/n POV:

*Was at the door and hear everything* *shocked and opens door * did you really mean it?

G/n POV:

Yes damn it

Y/n POV:

Well I have to tell you that I'm not good at everything, I'm not popular, and I don't think I'm pretty. Please don't try and be like me ok. Just be yourself.

G/n POV:

Ok but I would like to ask you if you would be my friend if it's ok with you.

Y/n POV: yes of course I would love to

To be continued~

Hi guys I'm very thankful for all of you reading this and hope to do better in the future. I hope to find more inspiration so keep reading my stars and I love u all. Bye~😍😍😘😘

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