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Chapter One: Heartland.

There was this 600 acre horse ranch named Heartland, Heartland was a sanctuary for people and horses. Then there was me, moving from Texas to Canada. I was moving to Heartland. Jack, the owner was my parent's old friend. Once my parents died I got the news I was leaving my Texan horse ranch for a Canadian horse ranch, I was lost. It was my parent's fault though, they both lost connections with their close family. It sucked how I had to move from the states to Canada. At least Jack was still there for me, enough for me to move in with him.

When I got off the plane I admired the beauty of Canada. I remembered the smell of the fresh, crisp, untouched air. I took a cab to the town I was meeting Jack in called Hudson. We were meeting at this diner calledMaggie's. I walked in and sat at the bar.
"Can I get you anything?" a girl asked.
"No, thank you, I'm waiting for someone," I replied.
"Who?" she asked.
"Jack Bartlett," I replied.
"No way? His granddaughter Amy is my best friend," she said.
"Cool," I replied.
"I'm Soraya," she said as she held out her hand.
"Tara," I replied as I shook her hand. I turned around just as an incredibly good looking  guy walked in.
"Hey Soraya I'm here to pick up Tara Cohan," the guy said. I was stunned by the use of my name out of this guy's lips.
"I'm Tara," I said as I looked at him.
"Ty," he replied, he shook my hand. 
"Can I get you anything Ty?" Soraya asked.
"No. I gotta get Tara home," he replied.
"You talk about me like I've lived here forever," I joked as I stood up. He laughed.
"Let's go. Where are your bags?"
"Over there," I said ushering to the many suitcases that sat by the door. I grabbed my purse from the counter. "Thanks for the company Soraya."
"No problem Tara. Hopefully we can hangout soon," she replied. I nodded to her and then walked towards the door. I grabbed a suitcase that had wheels and took it with me outside.
"It's the blue truck," Ty said as he followed me out. I threw my suitcase in the tailgate. Ty threw my other bags in too. "Well, let's get you to Heartland."
"Yay," I replied sarcastically.

"Where are you from?" Ty asked trying to strike up a conversation as we started the drive.
"Do you really care? Or are you just trying to pass the time?" I asked.
"I guess I really care," he replied.
"Texas," I said.
"Cool. What's your story?" He asked.
"What do you mean," I asked defensively.
"I mean everyone who has had to stay at Heartland, it was kind of a last option type of thing," he said trying not to be rude.
"I don't want to talk about it," I said quietly as I stared out the window.
"I can respect that," he replied. I looked at him and he looked at me, he smiled. Ty had that smile that drove me crazy. It was that smile that I always fell in love with.

When Ty drove down the long driveway to Heartland I took in all the scenery. The ranch had a beautiful view. He parked in front of what looked to be a log cabin. He got out of the truck, I reluctantly did the same. I saw Jack walk out. Jack was followed by the whole gang, it seemed.
"Everyone this is Tara. Tara, this is, everyone," Jack said followed by a laugh.
"I'm Mallory," a very perky young girl came to me and said.
"Hi," I replied.
"Where do you want me to put her stuff?" Ty asked.
"In the loft with you for now," Jack replied. Amy looked at Jack weird. She was trying to tell him something.
"The loft will be fine," Jack said. Amy stormed inside.
"I'm Lou," a very pregnant woman with black hair said.
"Tara," I replied.
"This is Peter, and that's Lisa is grandpas girlfriend she doesn't live here and they don't admit they're dating," Lou said. I laughed.
"Nice to meet you Tara," Lisa greeted.
"Amy was the one who went inside," Lou added.
"She seems awesome," I joked.
"She doesn't like change very much," Lou explained.
"I'll show you to your room," Ty said. He started walking towards the barn with all my suitcases, I just followed. We walked into the red barn. I saw some beautiful horses. Ty went up some stairs and into the loft.
"Two beds?" I asked.
"I sleep in here too," he explained.
"Oh okay," I replied, it was weird Jack would allow that. Ty put my bags next to the smaller bed.
"Go ahead and unpack, get yourself settled in. It takes a lot of work to run this place," Ty said.
"What do you do around here?" I asked.
"Everything Jack asks me to do," Ty replied. Ty walked out of the loft and I unpacked all my clothes into my dresser.

After about an hour of settling in I went down to the stalls. I saw Amy brushing a black mare.
"Hi," I said to her.
"Hi," she replied.
"You're Amy, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, and you're Tara," she replied.
"That'd be me," I said. She went back to brushing the horse.
"Is this your horse?" I asked as I went and pet the horse's nose.
"Yes," she replied.
"What's her name?" I asked.
"Spartan." I knew she was trying to be abrupt, she obviously didn't want to be talking with me.
"I'll just be going then," I said as I started walking away.
"You do that," she mumbled under her breath. I just kept walking, not wanting to make any enemies on my first day here.

I walked into Jack's shop, where he was working on his truck.
"So, what can I do?" I asked.
"Ask Ty if he needs help. Other than that there's nothing for you to do until tomorrow," Jack replied.
"Oh, uh, okay," I said. I turned and started walking away. I saw Ty saddling up his horse. I walked over towards him.
"Are you going for a ride?" I asked.
"Yeah just a quick trail ride," he replied.
"Cool. Do you need any help with anything?" I asked. "Nope, but if you want to come with I could saddle a horse for you," he replied.
"I would like that. I could saddle up myself though. I'm a cowgirl," I urged. He laughed. He tied his horse to the hitching post outside the barn.
"Come on," he said. I followed him to a stall for a horse named Copper. Ty got him out for me.
"Thanks," I said as he gave me the lead rope. I tied Copper up. Ty gave me a saddle and then I saddled Copper.

Ty and I were riding for awhile when we got to this creek.
"Let's rest here for awhile," he suggested.
"Sure," I replied. We both sat down and were throwing rocks into the water.
"Why doesn't Amy like me?" I asked after a bit.
"I have no idea," he replied.
"Is there something going on between you guys?" I asked.
"Well, I'm mean, we are in a relationship," he replied.
"Oh my god. Are you serious?" I asked. 
"Well yeah," he replied.
"That's why she hates me!" I exclaimed.
"You don't know that," he said.
"I do so," I whined.
"How?" he asked as he grabbed a handful of grass and threw it at me.
"Really?" I asked sarcastically as I grabbed grass and threw it back at him. He laughed.
"We should get back," I suggested.
"Yeah," he replied.
"Thanks for this," I said as I stood up.
"You're welcome," he replied.

The ride home was spent racing, laughing, and having fun. When we got up to the barn we were both hysterical. I had never laughed so hard in my life.
"That was fun," I said when we dismounted.
"Yeah it was," Ty agreed.
"Thanks for asking to borrow my horse," Mallory joked.
"I'm so sorry," I replied.
"It's fine," she said as she took Copper. Ty walked into the barn with Harley and unsaddled him. I turned around to the sound of a truck and trailer driving down the driveway. The driver stopped at the house. He was a mailman. I knew exactly who he was here for, me. He went to the door and knocked. Jack came out and signed for the mailman. They went to the trailer and the man got out my horse, Sky. Sky was the most beautiful horse anyone had ever seen. I used her for show jumping and barrel racing but she could do anything I would let her do. She was a gorgeous brown and white pinto mare. She was six, I raised her from an orphaned foal to now. Sky was my first and favorite horse.
"Sky!" I yelled as I ran up to her and hugged her. I took the lead rope from the mailman and he left.
"That's a nice looking horse," Jack said.
"She was one of the only things I could save," I said.
"Besides all your clothes," Ty joked as he and Mallory came out to meet Sky.

I settled Sky into the last available stall. Amy approached me.
"Is that your horse?" she asked.
"Yes, this is Sky," I replied.
"I'm sorry we got off to a rough start. I guess I'm just jealous that you're a super pretty girl, and your living in the same loft as my boyfriend," she blurted out.
"It's okay. I would be jealous too," I replied. Amy laughed.
"I trust you, and I trust Ty. I hope we can be friends," she said.
"We so can," I replied. We hugged.
"I'll see you later. I have some client horses in the round pen," she said.
"See ya," I replied. I was so glad to of made friends with Amy. I pet Sky's nose. Maybe this place wasn't going to be all that bad!

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