Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two: Work and Practice.

The Fall Finale was in a week. Sky and I practiced daily. Cleo was becoming a really good ride and tomorrow I wanted to start her on jumps. Georgie has become a big help on the ranch. She helps with feedings and always watches me practice. Amy started letting her lunge Phoenix, she really likes that horse. And we got a barn cat! Amy and Ty were out one night getting feed. It was storming and they brought home a kitten. We named the small black kitten Stormy. Stormy sleeps on a cat bed in Sky's stall. They are inseparable best friends.

I woke up to sunlight shining through the attic window. Maisie was  already awake. I got up and stretched my arms into the air. I brushed my long, wavy, red, hair, I put on a floral, ruffled, strapless top, a pair of light wash, miss me, jeans, my Sky belt buckle, and I went downstairs.
"Well don't you look nice this morning," Lou said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Well thank you," I replied. I went to the entryway and put on my boots.
"Where you going?" she asked.
"I have a date with Jeremy Hughes," I replied.
"Ooh, have fun!" She exclaimed.

I walked out to the barn and saw Georgie and Maisie saddling Phoenix.
"Where are you two going?" I asked.
"A ride," Georgie replied.
"Maisie you have to get to school. Georgie you know you can't ride Phoenix yet, plus you have to get to school as well," I said.
"We want to ride Phoenix to the bus," Georgie argued.
"You both can walk and Georgie you're not ready to ride him. None of us have yet," I said.
"I can too!" Georgie yelled.
"I tell you what Georgie, if you do good in school, I'll ride Phoenix. If he is a good ride, I'll let you ride him," I said. She smiled.
"Awesome! Thanks Tara!" she exclaimed. Maisie and Georgie ran outside and up to where the bus would pick them up.

I went to Cleo's stall and led her out to the round pen. I saddled her in the pen. I mounted her and then rode her around, she was a nice ride. I rode her out of the pen and to the practice arena. I walked her right up to a jump set at one foot. She refused.
"C'mon Cleo," I said. I turned her around and led her to the jump again. She refused and bucked this time.
"What's wrong girl?" I asked. I got off and went to her. I looked into her eyes. I put my fingers up to her eyes. She didn't blink.
"You're blind aren't you?" I asked. Almost, as if in response, she whinnied. I pulled out my phone and called Theresa.
"Hello Tara," she greeted.
"Can you stop by the ranch. I need to talk to you," I said.
"On my way," she replied.

Theresa got to the ranch in about half an hour. She came up into the practice pen.
"When did your horse stop jumping?" I asked.
"She never jumped. Her old owner said she was an amazing jumper a year ago. She said that Cleo would be a great horse for someone starting out," she said.
"Did she tell you why she was selling Cleo?" I asked.
"I had never asked. No she never told me," she explained.
"Cleo is blind. She looks like she's been blind for months almost a year so it checks out with what you said. If I were you I'd try and get compensation from her old owner. If not, sue the owner. You can't sell Cleo for much, she's blind. No one wants a blind show jumper. How old is she?" I asked.
"Cleo's old owner said she was five or six." I opened Cleo's mouth and looked at her teeth.
"I'd say she's between ten and fifteen," I replied.
"This is outrageous! I paid good money for that horse! I should just put the thing down. What a waste," she yelled.
"I understand, I do. But don't euthanize the horse, Cleo is too gentle for that. Try talking to the old owner. I'll keep Cleo here. If you have no other options we'll buy Cleo," I said.
"I'll keep you informed no need to continue her training," she said.
"If you choose to sell her to me I'll take the cost out of your fees from her stay here," I told her. We shook hands and she left.

I unsaddled Cleo and put her in her stall. Just after I closed her stall Jeremy pulled in. I was about to leave when Ty came down with his school bag.
"Where are you off to looking so nice?" he asked.
"None of your business," I replied as I walked out of the barn. Jeremy got out of his truck and hugged me. He opened the door and let me in. He then went back into the drivers seat. As he pulled away from the barn Ty walked out and saw me with Jeremy. I just looked at him as he faded into the distance.

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