Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: Telling Jack.

I sat in Sky's stall strumming Ty's guitar when Ty leaned on the stall door and looked at me.
"Sounds good," he said.
"Whatever," I replied as I put the guitar down and left the stall. Ty stepped aside.
"Tara, c'mon," he said.
"What Ty?" I asked.
"You've been acting weird ever since we started dating again," he replied.
"Am I allowed to?" I asked.
"No," he joked.
"Ty I turn seventeen in three days. I guess I'm just scared. I have one year to think about the biggest choice of my life. Do I stay? Or do I go home?" I said.
"Don't you want to stay?" he asked.
"Of course, I kind of want to go back for my birthday. I have plenty of friends down in Texas and my maid Sandra should still be taking care of the ranch," I said.
"What ended up happening to the ranch?" Ty asked.
"People still board there. My older brother runs the place," I replied.
"You never said you had a brother," he said.
"Yeah, Nash. He's 19," I replied.
"Why aren't you living with him?" he asked.
"Nash had a drug problem from when he was younger, he cleaned up when our parents died. The state said I could never have Nash as my legal guardian," I replied.
"That's kind of harsh," he said.
"Yeah. You could come with Maisie and I to Texas," I suggested.
"I'll think about it," he said. I hugged him.
"It'll be fun," I urged as I reached passed him and grabbed my English riding saddle.

I had just finished setting up the jumps in practice arena. I set nine jumps at four feet and one at five. I led Sky to the start and mounted her. I saw Maisie ride down the driveway on Chance. She stopped Chance to watch me. I saw Ty leaning against the doorway in the barn watching me. I also noticed Amy watching from the porch of the house. I took in a deep breath and then I kicked Sky to a gentle canter. She flied over the first jump.
"Go mommy!" I heard Maisie yell. She soon soared over all nine four foot jumps. I saw the five foot jump. We were approaching the jump faster than the others. Sky flew over the jump and landed hard. I flew right over her neck and onto the ground.

"Tara!" I heard Ty yell.
"Tara!" I heard Amy yell.
"Mommy!" Maisie yelled. I laid face first in the grass and dirt. Ty, Amy, and Maisie were by my side in seconds. Ty rolled me onto my back as he asked,
"Are you okay?" I was just laughing hysterically.
"Why are you laughing?" Amy asked.
"I forgot how hard of a landing those five footers made," I replied still laughing. Ty and Amy started laughing, Maisie wasn't. She still thought I was hurt.
"Maisie I'm fine," I said giggling as I sat up.
"Mommy you scurred me," Maisie said. Ty and Amy laughed more when they heard Maisie say "scurred". I laughed too.
"Are they teaching you what they need to in school?" I asked. Ty and Amy laughed more. Maisie joined them in laughing.
"Go get Chance all pretty," I said. Maisie ran off towards Chance.
"Let's get you up," Ty suggested as he stood and gave me a hand. Amy stood too. They both helped me up. I pushed my hands on my spine and cracked my back. I called for Sky, she ran up to me. I got back in the saddle.
"Don't tell me your running the course again," Amy said.
"Of course not. I'm running it backwards," I replied. I kicked Sky to a canter and circled around. I soared over the five foot jump. Amy turned to Ty and said,
"Looks like you've got a good one on your hands Ty." Ty replied awkwardly with a laugh,
"Yeah. She's a keeper." They watched me fly over the jumps.
"I want to try Spartan over these jumps," Amy said.
"Just be careful, you've never jumped five feet. Spartan probably couldn't jump that high. Ask Tara to use Sky for a run around," Ty suggested.

After I finished the course backwards Amy approached me.
"Could I take her around?" she asked.
"Sure," I replied. I dismounted Sky and gave Amy a leg up. "Circle her around the course to get a feel for her and then canter her over the four footers first. She may refuse with you as her rider for the five footer but, speed her up a bit. Get three lengths in. The landing is hard," I advised.
"Okay," Amy said as she kicked Sky to a canter. I went and stood by Ty, who was next to the last jump.
"You looked great out there," he said.
"Thank you," I replied as he put his arm around me.

Ty and I watched as Amy soared over the four foot jumps. She was approaching the last jump when Sky refused. Amy landed on Sky's neck. She sat up in the saddle and then trotted Sky over to us. She hopped off.
"Sky is such a great ride. She really trusts you, I can tell by the way she refused on the last jump. You've done good with her," Amy said.
"Thanks. When I raised her I made sure I was the only one training her. I needed her to know I was her owner. I was her boss," I replied. She handed me Sky's reins.
"You should enter Sky in the Fall Finale. I'm sure you guys would place. I was thinking about entering Spartan again. Ashley wanted to enter Apollo. She wanted to have a rematch of last years race," Amy suggested.
"I would love too. It would be good to have a little competition anyways," I joked.
"You're so on," Amy said with a smile. I mounted Sky and and rode her to the barn.

I unsaddled Sky while she was in her stall. Ty came into her stall with two brushes and gave me one. I smiled and started brushing Sky.
"You need points. There's a small competition that Briar Ridge is hosting in two weeks. You should enter," Ty suggested.
"I will. I don't know how long I'll be in Texas," I replied.
"Have you asked Jack yet?" Ty asked.
"No. Have you decided if you want to go with?" I asked.
"Yes, and I would love to go with you," he said as he walked over to me.
"Good," I replied as he kissed me.
"We should go talk to Jack," Ty suggested. We were interrupted by Jack walking into the barn.
"Talk to me about what?" he asked. Jack walked to the stall door.
"My birthday is coming up and I wanted to go to Texas to visit my brother. I was wondering if I could take Ty with Maisie and I," I explained.
"Well sure. It would be a great thing for you to visit  your brother. When will you be leaving?" He asked.
"Friday. Saturday is my birthday. I would want to stay till about Friday the next week." I replied.
"One week away," Jack asked.
"Yeah, I think it would be great for both of us," I replied as I held Ty's hand.
"No more babies," Jack joked.
"You don't have to worry about that," I assured him.

After Jack left the barn Amy came in leading Spartan.
"Did I hear that you guys are going to Texas?" she asked as she put Spartan in his stall.
"Yeah," Ty said.
"Well then I have to go tell Lou. We were planning a party for Tara. It will have to be tomorrow," she replied as she walked out. I'm so happy Jack was okay with the trip. I was so excited to share my Texan life with my Canadian boyfriend!

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