Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six: Rodeo.

I watched as Luna paced around the round pen. Amy jumped up onto the fence next to me.
"Guess what?" she asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Ty is taking me on a date!" she exclaimed.
"That's awesome! Where?" I asked genuinely happy for her.
"A rodeo at the fair grounds," she replied.
"That's awesome. I was actually going to go," I said.
"Oh my god I have to get ready," she realized. I laughed.
"Have fun!" I yelled as she ran off.

Ty came down from the loft.
"Hey Tara," he greeted.
"Hi," I replied. He jumped up onto the fence next to me.
"So you're actually talking to me now?" He asked.
"Shut up," I teased. Amy came running out of the house.
"I gotta-."
"I know. Have fun," I interrupted. He tipped his hat to me and then jumped down.

I sat in the kitchen eating some leftover chile Lou made the night before when Mallory ran in.
"Go get dressed," she commanded.
"Why?" I asked.
"The rodeo duh!" she yelled.
"I didn't know you were my date," I said. I put my bowl in the sink.
"Hurry! I'll saddle the horses!" she exclaimed. "Saddle Luna for me. I want to see how she does," I said. Mallory ran out.

I went upstairs and put on a nice pink and purple flannel with skinny miss me jeans and my nice boots. I put on my brown leather belt with my Sky belt buckle and then went downstairs. I saw Lou making Katie a bottle.
"Could you watch Maisie for me?" I asked.
"Sure. Are you going to the rodeo?" she asked.
"Yeah," I replied. I went outside where I saw Mallory waiting right outside the door with the saddled horses.
"For being wild, that horse is awesome," Mallory praised.
"I don't think she was always wild. She had to of been tamed before I got to her," I replied. After that, we started riding to the rodeo. 

When we got to the rodeo the amateur bull riders were up. Mallory and I sat on top of the horses and watched so we didn't have to tie them up anywhere. After a couple of guys went on an all to familiar name was read,
"And now, a first timer, Ty Borden on Road Killer." Mallory and I exchanged shocked looks. I saw a terrified Amy running towards me.
"Tara! I tired stopping him but Caleb pressured him into it," she yelled. In 30 seconds, the gate opened and Ty was riding a bull. Then I saw Ty being thrown from the bull, well, not entirely.

Ty's hand was stuck on the bull. I reared Luna and had her jump the five foot fence separating the crowd from the rodeo. I galloped her towards the angered bull.
"Ty!" I yelled. Luna reared and neighed with fear at the thrashing bull. She kicked. "Luna! Woah girl!" I yelled. Ty's hand was shook free. As he fell from the bull he was stomped on like garbage to the furious animal.
"Ty!" I screamed.
"Wow that girl on the horse in the arena has guts but someone else get in there and help the boy!" the announcer said.

The bull was still running wild while Ty laid on the ground, not moving. Luna stopped kicking long enough for me to notice Road Killer charging us. Luna reared and raised her hooves above the animal. She turned and kicked him. Above everything I hear someone yell,
"Tara!" I turned to see Jack and Tim.
"Tara get out of there!" Tim screamed. They were both on the fence now yelling at the beast. Ty was still laying face down in the dirt.

Four guys, on horses were now tailing the bull. They all got lassos around it and led him out of the arena. Luna was still frantic. I got her close to Ty but I had to jump off to be by his side. Because I jumped off while she was thrashing around, I landed on my knees weirdly.
"Ty? Ty?" I asked frantically.
"I thought if I laid here playing dead he wouldn't chase me," Ty said, in obvious pain.
"You're hurt," I said with a laugh.
"That too," he replied. I hit him.
"Ow," he said.
"I hate you for scaring me like that. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you," I said. Ty raised his hand to my face and pulled me in for a kiss.
"You didn't lose me, and you never will, no matter how hard you tried," he replied.
"Get up," I said. I helped him stand. The crowd applauded.

I helped Ty out of the arena.
"Are you crazy? You both could've gotten killed,!" Tim yelled frantically.
"You're so stupid!" Jack yelled.
"That was sweet," Mallory said.
"Can somebody go get that rogue horse?" an event coordinator asked.
"Yeah, right," I replied. I walked into the arena and whistled. Luna's ears perked forward and she stopped running. "Luna," I cooed. She started cantering towards me. When she got to me I did tee touch on her. She relaxed instantly.
"Good girl," I whispered. The crowd applauded me. I led Luna out.

Mallory hitched a ride with Jack home so Ty and I could have a long talk back to the ranch.
"Ty, I've made a decision," I said.
"About what?" he asked.
"When I turn 18," I replied.
"Oh yeah? What's your decision?" he asked.
"I'm going to move back to Texas, I have to Ty. My only family left is down there," I replied.
"Tara! Don't you see? We're your family! When we were in Texas, didn't it ever occur to you that you are so much happier here?" Ty asked.
"I know I am, but I need to be with my brother," I replied.
"And you want to leave your new family?" He asked.
"Ty I have nothing keeping me here!" I yelled.
"What about me?" he asked.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Ty we can't hold a relationship for more than a month without fighting over something dumb," I interrupted.
"That's not true and you know that," he replied.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"For?" he asked.
"Leaving," I replied.

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